
Why Singles Ministry

The US shows striking racial and ethnic differences in marriage patterns. Compared to both white and Hispanic women, black women marry later in life, are less likely to marry at all, and have higher rates of marital instability than any other demographic. The US Census reports that blacks marry at a much lower rate than their white and Hispanic counterparts. 90% of whites and 84% of Hispanics will marry at some point in their lifetime, compared to just 68% of blacks.

Nationally, the Census Bureau counts 88 black male adults for every 100 black women, while the ratio for whites is more equal, at 97 men for every 100 women.

Research confirms that marriage provides health, financial & other long term familial benefits. Married people not only make more money, but they also manage money better and build more wealth together than either would alone. Overall, married people live longer and healthier lives. 

Singles (especially single women) are one of the largest yet neglected demographics in the Hebrew community. Churches and assemblies have done little to meet the needs of singles and have mostly failed to effectively celebrate, promote, and prepare singles for marriage.

Marriage is a spiritual union but requires much natural preparation that many are not receiving. Marriage is Yah-ordained and a powerful creator and sustainer of human and social wealth for adults as well as children, and about as important as education when it comes to promoting the health, wealth, and well-being of adults and communities. Who needs these benefits more than us?


The Great Awakening Singles Ministry seeks to:
  • Foster an organizational environment of care, concern, and respect for singles of all ages, including their needs & experiences.
  • Provide a platform where singles can get Biblical and practical counsel to help them develop, nurture, and maintain meaningful relationships leading to Biblically-approved marriage.
  • Create opportunities for single believers to connect with others for support & fellowship.
  • Carve out a non-judgmental space where singles can be honest and transparent about their needs, experiences, frustrations, desires, temptations, etc.
  • Provide an environment where the married and single can discuss relationship topics, issues, pitfalls, etc. with honesty and transparency.

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