The Family of Great Awakening Assemblies will be celebrating the Feast of Trumpets together in Detroit, MI September 18-20, 2020. The 2020 Yom Teruah celebration includes 100+ Persons Sounding the Shofar (Trumpets), Workshops, Night of Worship, a Sabbath Gathering, Basketball Tournament, Lake Baptism (Immersion), and Cookout at Metro Park.
During the Retreat, you will be trained by our leaders. They are dynamic, fun presenters who teach biblically and Hebraic-centered and professional-sound concepts. Our Speakers are:
- Dr. Kenneth Howard
- Ron Dalton Jr.
- Elder Eddie Stallworth
- Dr. Michael Laws
- Moreh Vaughn Parker
- Moreh Rick Marlin
- Moreh Ryan Robertson

Moreh Vaughn Parker

Elder Eddie Stallworth

Dr. Kenneth Howard

Ronald Dalton Jr.

Dr. Michael Laws

Moreh Rick Marlin

Moreh Ryan Robertson

Registration Fee:
$160.00 per person
$80 ages 4-10
Free Ages 3 & Under
$67 Commuter Fee (For those who will not be staying on the Retreat Center grounds a $67 Commuter fee per person will be charged. All meals, activities, and t-shirts are included in this fee).
Registration fee includes a 3 day and 2-night sleeping accommodations, all meals, snacks, and activities.
Your registration includes the following:
- 2 Night 3 Day Stay
- All Meals Included
- Family Oriented
- 100+ Persons Sounding the Shofar (Trumpets)
- Workshops
- Night of Worship
- Sabbath Gathering
- Lake Baptism (Immersion)
- Cookout
- Installation of New Morehs
- Snacks
- T-Shirt
All Guests, Vendors, Volunteers, and Attendees must check in at the Registration Table. The Registration table will also be located at the Echo Grove Welcome Center at the entrance of the Retreat Center. Greeters will be available in the hotel lobbies to direct you to these Yom Teruah registration table.
If you have pre-registered for the Yom Teruah, we will have your demographic information. You will be asked to verify your info at the registration desk.
Once you Check in you will receive your:
- Name tag (you must print your own name)
- wristbands and/or badge
- Room Assignment
- Yom Teruah program
- attendee materials
Wristbands or badges will be required for entry into the general session, workshops, venues, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The registration table will be open the following hours:
Friday 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Saturday: 7:30am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm
Sunday: CLOSED (All registration materials will be shut down)
Yom Teruah Policies
Please be advised that registering for the Great Awakening Hebrews to Negroes Yom Teruah Weekend denotes that you have read and agree to comply with the Great Awakening Policies.
- Yom Teruah Name Tags, Wristbands and/or Badges must be worn at all times during Yom Teruah hours and in Yom Teruah areas.
- Transferring or sharing badges with non-registered individuals is prohibited.
- The use of the GREAT AWAKENING name/logo without prior permission or approval is strictly prohibited. This includes usage in any marketing or advertising materials and social media or website posts. The Yom Teruah name may only be used in marketing efforts in the appropriate context of attending the GREAT AWAKENING Yom Teruah Weekend.
- The selling and direct delivery of merchandise on the Sabbath (Friday 6pm – Saturday 6pm) is strictly prohibited at the Great Awakening Hebrews to Negroes Yom Teruah Weekend.
- Workshop Breakout rooms will close once the room capacity has been reached.
- Room capacities adhere to the Fire Code. Altering the existing seating is prohibited.
- Out of courtesy for speakers, please refrain from entering and/or exiting once the presentation has started.
- Cell phones should be turned on silent/vibration during all presentations. Livestreaming and Videoing is not allowed without permission
- GREAT AWAKENING is not liable for any related financial expense, loss, theft, property damage or personal injury resulting from participating or attending any or all functions at the Yom Teruah.

Redwood and Magnolia
Each room includes one full bed, two twin beds (bunked) and a private bathroom with toilet, sink and shower. The first floor offers a common lobby area that opens onto a deck overlooking beautiful Lakeville Lake. Bed linens and towels are NOT provided..
Fully updated in 2010, this self-contained lodge offers 88 twin beds (bunked) in 20 guest rooms. A warming kitchen makes self-catering an easy option for cost conscious groups. And with accommodations, meeting space and dining all under one roof, you can truly make yourself at home. Bed linens and towels are NOT provided.

From Flint Bishop Airport
Bishop International Cab (810)691-6396 estimates $68 to Leonard
Hey! Taxi (810)629-7080 $57 to Leonard
Citizen’s Car Service 1-800-878-7887 $95 to Leonard
Detroit Metro Airport
Airport Taxis 1-800-745-5191 $91 to Leonard
Metro Cars 1-800-456-1701 $103 + gratuity
Citizen’s Car Service 1-800-878-7887 $85

Dinner: Roasted turkey with stuffing, green beans, gravy, fresh baked dinner rolls and dessert
Breakfast: Texas style French toast with Turkey sausage , fresh fruit, cereal, butter and syrup
Lunch: Chicken tenders with macaroni and cheese served with tomato cucumber salad and dessert
Dinner: Beef Brisket with garlic smashed Yukon Gold potatoes and gravy, carrots, fresh baked dinner rolls and dessert
Breakfast: Egg and cheese omelet with hash browns, buttered toast, fresh fruit, and cereal
Cookout: Cookout: Barbeque Turkey Legs, Hamburgers, Beef Hotdogs, Potatoe Salad, Toss Sald, Baked Beans

The Yom Teruah Event will run from Friday afternoon through Sunday morning.
Friday September 18, 2020
- 1:00-4:00pm Arrival and Fellowship
- 5:00-6:00pm Registration, Dinner and Fellowship
- 6:00-8:00pm Opening Session (Shelter House)
- 8:00-8:35pm Break
- 8:30-9:30pm Zaqen Eddie Stallworth
- 9:30pm Blowing of the Shofars
- Movie Night (in Shelter House)
Saturday September 19, 2020
- 8:00-9:00am Breakfast
- 9:00-9:45am Fellowship Time
- 10:00-12:00pm Sabbath Gathering (In Gymnasium)
- Installation of Morehs
- 12:00-1:00pm Lunch
- 1:00-3:00pm Free time
- 3:00-4:00pm Moreh Ryan Robertson (in Shelter House)
- 3:00-4:00pm Moreh Rick Marlin (in Cafeteria)
- 4:00:5:00pm Ronald Dalton Jr. (in Shelter House)
- 6:00-7:00pm Dinner
- 7:00–10:00pm Night of Worship (In Gymnasium)
Sunday September 20, 2020
- 8:00-9:00am Breakfast
- 10:00am-12:00pm Lake Immersions
- 12:00-5:00pm Great Awakening Cookout
- Pontoon Rides
The following is recommended based on Friday-Sunday stay at Yom Teurah 2020. Please adjust as needed.
- Bible, notebook, & pen or pencil (any translation of the Bible is fine; we most commonly use the Cepher, HalleluYah Scriptures, the Scriptures, or KJV)
- Pack sunglasses and sunscreen. Although we will be in air-conditioned rooms and inside most of the day, Detroit will be hot and humid.
- Hygiene Essentials. This is separate from what you leave in your hotel bathroom. Bring a small brush, some make up, hand sanitizer (you will be amongst crowds of strangers in small breakout rooms) and any other necessary item to freshen up halfway through the day. Yom Teruahs have long days and are often made up of two parts – the educational daytime and the special events in the evening. Sometimes you won’t be able to go back to your hotel and change or freshen up, so come prepared.
- Back up battery. You’ll be using your phone and/or tablet a lot during the Yom Teruah, so bring an extra battery if you don’t have time to sit by a wall charger
- A sweatshirt or sweater for air-conditioned rooms, if you are susceptible to chills.
- Casual clothing and comfortable walking shoes. All activities are casual. Shorts, t-shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes are appropriate.
- Medicine: Please let us know if you need assistance.
- Bring your insurance card or a copy of your insurance card.
- Additional Items: Alarm clock, cell phone charger, spending money, camera, toiletries, and flip flops for the shower.
- For those who owns a shofar, we encourage you to bring it to blow during special moments during the Yom Teruah.
- 1 blanket (lightweight)
- Full & Twin size sheet set
- 1 pillow w/ pillowcase
- 1 laundry bag (NO plastic bags)
- Bath towels + 1 lake/pool towel
- Washcloths
- Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- Comb/Brush
- Soap & Shampoo
- Sunscreen
- Shower Shoes (flip-flops work well)
- Insect Repellant
- 1-2 Washable Face Masks

The Yom Teruah Nigh of Worship will be held on the beautiful campus of Echo Grove Retreat Center in their state-of-the-art Gymnasium on Saturday September 19 at 7:00 p.m. The Night of Worship is a high prophetic ambience of praise and worship featuring John Bidden, Ryan Robertson, and The Great Awakening Assembly Detroit Worship Team (Demetrea Bradford, Morah Tawana Howard, Morah Ro Jones, Benjamin Sherrill, Mike Palor, and others. This event will highlight the depth of this music genre, spanning traditional and contemporary, lively choral groups, and extraordinary vocalists with a prophetic twist, and more.
John Bidden
Born and raised in Detroit, MI, John Bidden has been serving the Most High Yahuah as a worship leader since 1999. Developing worship training workshops for music ministries called “Davidic Apostolic Sound of the House”, John teaches and empowers churches how to develop and sustain their own distinct sound for God’s presence!
In 2007, John Bidden was ordained a minister of the gospel at New Breakthrough Church International by Apostle Donald Coleman. After a few years of self-reflection and personal growth, in 2012, John launched a prophetic song ministry entitled “Rhema”. This ministry releases the prophetic song of Elohim over regions, communities, governments, etc., where the experience is nothing short of the Father’s intimate touch. It is John’s goal to set a platform of worship where his relationship with the Creator is on display and revealed. He believes Yahuah has blessed him with the ability to see people changed by the sound of worship by provoking the heart of the listener.
Sparked by a prophetic demand and love for creating music, John stepped out into the forefront as an independent artist. Not a stranger to hard work, John has been singing behind the scenes for many years. Notably, he has sung background for recording artist Shana Wilson since 2007. John Bidden, a young man with a strong passion for praise and worship, released his maxi single EP in June of 2012 entitled “I AM FREE”. In June of 2014 John debuts new single "DRY BONES'" a song with a prophetic edge that fuses both CCM and contemporary gospel genre of music. John ministers with a fresh and innovative worship style that will transform you right into the presence of Yah. As of October 2015 John released his second EP Album entitled "SPEAK LIFE" featuring his radio single "DRY BONES". In May 2016 John had his first concert in Canton, MI and in September performing on a global platform with TEDTALKS at the ScadShow Theatre in Atlanta for TED@UPS astounding the audience with an electrified performance. Married for 20 years to the love of his life, John and Tangelia have 4 children: three daughters, Jona’e, Jireh, Jala and one son, Jacob.

John Bidden
Moreh Ryan Robertson

Moreh Ryan Robertson
Great Awakening Assembly Detroit

Morah Tawana Howard

Demetrea Bradford

Morah Ro Jones

Benjamin Sherrill