Photos of Sukkot 2022
If you wish to view over 2000 photos from Sukkot 2022, please visit the Great Awakening Website or click here. Here you are given access to like and comment on the photos.
FEAST OF TABERNACLES When Messiah returns...a Festival the Whole World will Keep! ZECHARIAH 14
The Great Awakening International in conjunction with the family of Great Awakening Assemblies will be celebrating the Feast of the Tabernacles October 9-16. Participants will have the opportunity to observe all 8 days, 4 days, or just 1 day commuter experiences. We observe the feast by not doing any servile work on the 1st or 8th day of the feast (no work) and having Holy Convocations in which we come together with worship service and feast for 8 days. The Family of Great Awakening Assemblies will be celebrating 8 days of the Feast of the Tabernacles together at Ransburg Scout Reservation in Bloomington, Indiana October 9-16, 2022.
In Hebrew, the word for a single shelter is a sukkah—plural sukkot—so the holiday was called Sukkot in Hebrew. (Pronounced “sue-COTE”.)
Every year the Great Awakening get to stay outdoors with our family in a shelter (sukkah) you build and be reminded that all of life is temporary, but that you are heading toward the Promised Land.
(Did you know that Yahusha, whom the world call Jesus, celebrated the Festival of Tabernacles? Read about it in John 7.)
SUKKOT (Temporary Dwellings)
13 “You shall keep the Feast of Sukkot seven days, when you have gathered in the produce from your threshing floor and your winepress.14 You shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter, your male servant and your female servant, the Levite, the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow who are within your towns. 15 For seven days you shall keep the feast to YHVH your Elohim at the place that YAHUAH will choose, because YAHUAH your Elohim will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so that you will be altogether joyful.
16 “Three times a year all your males shall appear before YAHUAH your Elohim at the place that he will choose: at the Feast of Matzot, at the Feast of Shavuot, and at the Feast of Sukkot. They shall not appear before YAHUAH empty-handed. 17 Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of YAHUAH your Elohim that he has given you.
Sukkot is the only holiday that really encompasses two holidays: Seven days of Sukkot and one day of Shemini Atzeret [upon which we celebrate Simchat Torah]. Sukkot begins just five days after Yom Kippur. Sukkot has the greatest number of unique mitzvot to fulfill on the holiday.
Prophetically, Sukkot/Tabernacles points to the millennial reign of Yahusha while also looking back to the Israelites post-Exodus journey through the wilderness, and commemorates what many believe to be the actual time of Messiah’s birth. So as we assemble to honor Yahuah and our King as a Kingdom of Priests (Exodus 19:6. 1 Peter 2:9, Revelation 1:6), we will truly seek to manifest Heaven on Earth, all bringing our best and serving others with our gifts…the organic Ecclesia in action!
If you have some differences of opinion on calendric systems or the exact feast dates, we still invite you to join us. Seeking the unity of the Ruach (Spirit) in the bond of peace, loving one another, respecting each other’s walk with YAHUAH is emphasized and encouraged, even if some of us may differ in areas of understanding. We know that we all are a work in progress and we are called to humility, “considering one another better than ourselves” as is written in Philippians 2:3.

Registration fee includes sleeping accommodations, all meals, snacks, T-Shirt and activities.
Additional Amenities and Activities include:
- Celebrations for the entire family to enjoy
- Children & Youth Workshops
- Massive Wedding and Reception Ball
- Wilderness Survival Training
- Firearm Training
- Immersions
- Build your own Sukkah
- Sleep in a Sukkah or Cabin
- Sukkah Family Competition
- Outdoor Celebrations & Bonfire Worship Sing-alongs
- End Time Preparation Workshops
- Torah-Based Biblical Teachings
- Communal Feast Meals
- Bonfires under the stars
- Fishing
- Swimming
- Recreational Activities
- Campfires under the stars
- Men & Women Only Cabins
- Sabbath Gathering
If you fellowship with any Great Awakening Assembly need some financial assistance in order to attend. Please contact any GAAI Moreh and he will submit your name to the Event and Feast Day Committee. We don’t want money to be a reason why someone is unable to feast with other believers…especially if you want to be immersed.
For those who can afford to help others, you can contribute a donation toward the feast-going fund to help anyone with the costs of attending. This fund is separate from the Event and Feast Committee operating expenses of the Great Awakening.
To contribute a donation to the Fund, you do so by clicking here.



From Indianapolis
Take State Road 37 south to Bloomington. Turn left (east) on State Road 46 East (the by-pass around Bloomington). Follow State Road 46 East as it turns left (east) at the College Mall. Turn right (south) on State Road 446 East (approx. two miles from the College Mall) and follow it about 10 miles (one mile past the Lake Monroe causeway). On the top of the hill is Ransburg Scout Reservation’s entrance on the right (west). Follow the gravel road to the main parking lot.
From Cincinnati
Take Interstate 275 West to US 50 (Lawrenceburg Exit). Go west on US 50 to State Road 446. Turn right and go west on State Road 446 for about 17 miles (before the Lake Monroe causeway). On the top of the hill is Ransburg Scout Reservation’s entrance on the left (east). Follow the gravel road to the main parking lot.
Yom Rishon Sunday, October 9, 2022
1:00-5:00pm Arrival/Check-In Registration
1:00- 5:00pm Free-time
6pm-6:30pm Building of Center Sukkah
7:00pm-8:30pm Dinner
- Entrée:
- Baked potato bar
- Russet Potatoes
- Sweet Potatoes
- Meat Offering: Seasoned Ground Beef
- Ground beef (90/10)
- Grain Offering: Vegan Bread Cakes / Muffins
- Whole wheat
- Yeast
- Spring water
- Spices: all spice
- Sides:
- Multiple toppings for the potatoes:
- Sour cream (2): vegan and non-vegan
- Vegetables: bell peppers, mushrooms, onions
- Shredded cheese (2): vegan and non-vegan
- Butter (2): vegan and non-vegan
- Herbs: chives, cilantro, salt pepper, parsley, garlic
- Cinnamon
- Brown sugar
- Garden salad
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Romaine lettuce
- Onions
- Cucumber
- Croutons
- Eggs
- Sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts
- Beverages:
- Sweet Tea
- Water
- Lemonade
9:00 pm Welcome Ceremony / First Day of Sukkot Gathering in the Cafeteria
Speaker: (Moreh James Howard)
Waving of Lulav at the Center Sukkah
After Dark Bonfire
After the First Day Gathering, we will meet outdoors under the stars in a beautiful tree lined setting surrounded by water near the Morning Watch area. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and favorite songs for free snacks, bonfire and great fellowship! (held indoors if inclement weather)
Yom She-nee Monday October 10, 2022
6:00am-7:00am Early Morning Prayer at the Center Sukkah
8:00am-9:30am Breakfast
- Oatmeal packets (quick oats)
- Cream of wheat
- Creamer
- Yogurt and vegan yogurt
- Cereal (3): Bran cereal, corn flakes, honey bunches of oats
- Almond milk / oat milk
- Dairy milk – 2%
- Bagels
- Loaves of bread
- Fruit – bananas, apples, oranges
- Berries – strawberries, blueberries
- Hot water
- Honey
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Lemon juice
- Coffee, tea bags, juice cups
10:00 am-11:30 pm Medical Training: CPR, Defibrillator, & AED training
11:30am-1:00 pm Wilderness Prep Training:
A- Learn how to pack (‘lean’ & camp; “prioritize packing”)
B- Learn how to start (A fire without matches)
C- Learn how to (Pitch and move your tent quickly)
D- Learn how to utilize weapon (Rifles, bow & arrows, spears, and slings)
E- Learn how to (communicate silently)
F- Learn how to (communicate technology or using markers)
Noon to 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00pm-4:00pm Free time
4:00pm - 6:00pm Family Camp Activities
7:00pm -8:15pm Dinner
- Entrée:
- Stuffed peppers:
- Bell peppers
- Brown Rice
- Canned Tomatoes
- Tomato sauce
- Onions
- Mushrooms (vegans)
- Meat Offering: Ground sirloin or ground chuck
- Ground sirloin or chuck
- Grain Offering: Vegan Bread Cakes / Muffins
- Whole wheat
- Yeast
- Spring water
- Spices: all spice
- Sides:
- Shredded cheese (2): vegan and non-vegan
- Zucchini
- Squash
- Garden salad
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Romaine lettuce
- Onions
- Cucumber
- Croutons
- Eggs
- Sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts
- Beverages:
- Sweet Tea
- Water
- Lemonade
8:30pm Welcome Ceremony / Second Day of Sukkot Gathering Outside (Organic Worship) Waving of Lulav at the Center Sukkah
9:00pm Crowned Descendants FireSide Storytelling
Yom She-lee-shi Tuesday October 11, 2022
6:00am-7:00am Early Morning Prayer at the Center Sukkah
8:00am-10:00am Breakfast
- Oatmeal packets (quick oats)
- Cream of wheat
- Creamer
- Yogurt and vegan yogurt
- Cereal (3): Bran cereal, corn flakes, honey bunches of oats
- Almond milk / oat milk
- Dairy milk – 2%
- Bagels
- Loaves of bread
- Fruit – bananas, apples, oranges
- Berries – strawberries, blueberries
- Hot water
- Honey
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Lemon juice
- Coffee, tea bags, juice cups
10:00 am-12:00 pm Morning Training and Preparation
Noon to 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00pm-4:00pm Free time
4:00pm - 6:00pm Family Camp Activities
7:00pm -8:15pm Dinner
- Entrée:
- Vegan ratatouille cabbage rolls:
- Heads of cabbage
- Tomato sauce (red sauce)
- Squash, zucchini, and eggplant
- Meat Offering: Lamb chops
- Racks of lamb
- Grain Offering: Vegan Bread Cakes / Muffins
- Whole wheat
- Yeast
- Spring water
- Spices: all spice
- Sides:
- Fried potatoes
- Beverages:
- Sweet Tea
- Water
- Lemonade
- Apple cider
8:30pm Welcome Ceremony / Third Day of Sukkot Gathering Outside (Organic Worship) Waving of Lulav at the Center Sukkah
After Dark Bonfire
Yom Ree-vee-ee Wednesday October 12, 2022
6:00am-7:00am Early Morning Prayer at the Center Sukkah
8:00am-10:00am Breakfast
- Oatmeal packets (quick oats)
- Cream of wheat
- Creamer
- Yogurt and vegan yogurt
- Cereal (3): Bran cereal, corn flakes, honey bunches of oats
- Almond milk / oat milk
- Dairy milk – 2%
- Bagels
- Loaves of bread
- Fruit – bananas, apples, oranges
- Berries – strawberries, blueberries
- Hot water
- Honey
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Lemon juice
- Coffee, tea bags, juice cups
10:00 am-12:00 pm Heart to Heart With:
Morah (Yahnira) Coleen Johnson & Achot Alicia Mcintyre
A- Now that you are awakened to Yahuahs instructions,
B- How do we deal with the pressures that come from boys/men and our friends?
C- How do we manage our natural feelings and desires and wait for marriage?
D- How do we handle the man/woman ratio?
E- I have a secret that I'm ashamed of, how do I move forward?
12:00 to 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00pm-4:00pm Free time
4:00pm-6:00pm Crowned Descendants Sukkah Building
4:00pm - 6:00pm Camp Activities
7:00pm -8:15pm Dinner
- Entrée:
- Stew
- Onions
- Carrots
- Peas
- Potatoes
- Celery
- Diced tomatoes
- Beef tips
- Bean chili (vegan)
- Black beans
- Dry Pinto beans
- Onions
- Potatoes
- Cilantro
- Sweet peppers – red and yellow
- Whole garlic cloves
- Poblano or peppers
- Meat Offering: Beef tips
- Beef tips
- Grain Offering: Vegan Bread Cakes / Muffins
- Whole wheat
- Yeast
- Spring water
- Spices: all spice
- Sides:
- Shredded cheese (2): vegan and non-vegan
- Sour cream (2): vegan and non-vegan
- Crackers
- Garden salad
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Romaine lettuce
- Onions
- Cucumber
- Croutons
- Eggs
- Sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts
- Beverages:
- Sweet Tea
- Water
- Lemonade
8:30pm Welcome Ceremony / Fourth Day of Sukkot Gathering Outside (Organic Worship) Waving of Lulav at the Center Sukkah
After Dark Bonfire
Yom Cha-mi-shi Thursday October 13, 2022
6:00am-7:00am Early Morning Prayer at the Center Sukkah
8:00am-10:00am Breakfast
- Oatmeal packets (quick oats)
- Cream of wheat
- Creamer
- Yogurt and vegan yogurt
- Cereal (3): Bran cereal, corn flakes, honey bunches of oats
- Almond milk / oat milk
- Dairy milk – 2%
- Bagels
- Loaves of bread
- Fruit – bananas, apples, oranges
- Berries – strawberries, blueberries
- Hot water
- Honey
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Lemon juice
- Coffee, tea bags, juice cups
10:00 am-12:00 pm Morning Training and Preparation
Noon to 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00pm-4:00pm Free time
4:00pm - 6:00pm Family Camp Activities
7:00pm -8:15pm Dinner
- Entrée:
- Whiting filets
- Jasmine Rice
- Stewed bell peppers (all colors)
- Onions
- Chickpeas (soaked prior to)
- Sun-dried tomatoes
- Meat offering: Chicken
- Chicken legs and thighs
- Grain Offering: Vegan Bread Cakes / Muffins
- Whole wheat
- Yeast
- Spring water
- Spices: all spice
- Sides:
- Potatoes:
- Fried potatoes
- Garden salad
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Romaine lettuce
- Onions
- Cucumber
- Croutons
- Eggs
- Sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts
- Beverages:
- Sweet Tea
- Water
- Lemonade
8:30pm Welcome Ceremony / Fifth Day of Sukkot Gathering Outside (Organic Worship) Waving of Lulav at the Center Sukkah
After Dark Bonfire
Yom She-She Friday October 14, 2022
6:00am-7:00am Early Morning Prayer at the Center Sukkah
8:00am-10:00am Breakfast
- Oatmeal packets (quick oats)
- Cream of wheat
- Creamer
- Yogurt and vegan yogurt
- Cereal (3): Bran cereal, corn flakes, honey bunches of oats
- Almond milk / oat milk
- Dairy milk – 2%
- Bagels
- Loaves of bread
- Fruit – bananas, apples, oranges
- Berries – strawberries, blueberries
- Hot water
- Honey
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Lemon juice
- Coffee, tea bags, juice cups
10:00 am-12:00 pm Morning Training and Preparation
Noon to 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00pm-6:00pm 4 Day Registration and Check In
1:00pm-4:00pm Free time
4:00-6:00pm Men’s Gathering Moreh Ronn Hill
4:00pm-6:00pm Crowned Descendants Sukkah Building
4:00pm - 6:00pm ObeYah Sukkah Building, Nature Walk, and Discussions
7:00pm -8:15pm Dinner
- Entrée:
- Lamb stew
- Lamb trimmings
- Onions
- Garlic
- Carrots
- Celery
- Thyme
- Rosemary
- Vegan spaghetti
- Spaghetti pasta
- Fennel seed
- Onions
- Green pepper
- Garlic
- Roasted eggplant
- Mushrooms
- Meat offering: Lamb
- Lamb trimmings
- Grain Offering: Baguettes / Loaves of Bread
- Whole wheat
- Fine white
- Yeast
- Spring water
- Spices: all spice
- Sides:
- Vegan parmesan
- Vegan cheese and non-vegan cheese
- Garden salad
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Romaine lettuce
- Onions
- Cucumber
- Croutons
- Eggs
- Sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts
- Beverages:
- Sweet Tea
- Water
- Lemonade
8:30pm Welcome Ceremony / Fourth Day of Sukkot Gathering Outside (Organic Worship) Waving of Lulav at the Center Sukkah
After Dark Bonfire
Waving of Lulav at the Center Sukkah
After Service, we will meet outdoors under the stars in a beautiful tree lined setting surrounded by water near the Morning Watch area. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and favorite songs for free snacks, bonfire and great fellowship! (held indoors if inclement weather)
After Worship/Bonfire
Yom Shabbat Saturday October 15, 2022
6:00am-7:00am Early Morning Prayer at Sukkah
7:00am–8:00am Lake Immersions
8:00am– 9:30 am Breakfast
- Oatmeal packets (quick oats)
- Cream of wheat
- Creamer
- Yogurt and vegan yogurt
- Cereal (3): Bran cereal, corn flakes, honey bunches of oats
- Almond milk / oat milk
- Dairy milk – 2%
- Bagels
- Loaves of bread
- Fruit – bananas, apples, oranges
- Berries – strawberries, blueberries
- Hot water
- Honey
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Lemon juice
Coffee, tea bags, juice cups
10:00am-1:00pm Shabbat Gathering in Cafeteria
- Welcome Moreh Tomiko Evans
- Opening Prayer Zaqen Paul Bateman
- Blessings for this Season Moreh Carl Poythress
- Blowing of the Shofars
- Psalms 100 Zaqen Anthony Johnson
- Praise & Worship Great Awakening Assembly Detroit
- What is Sukkot? Moreh James Howard
- Scripture Lev 23:33-44 Moreh Oscar Stone
- Psalms 145 Moreh Rick Marlin
- Blowing of the Shofars
- Numbers 29: 12-16 Moreh Ronald Jones
- Scripture John 7:37-39 Moreh Ronn Hill
- Selection Moreh Clyde Robinson
- Terumah Offering Zaqen Anthony Johnson
- Praise & Worship Praise and Worship
- Revelation 21:3 TBA
- Hosea 12:9 TBA
- Zechariah 14:16-19 Moreh Will Johnson
- Deut. 16:13-17
- Selection Lorvins
- Speaker Zaqen Jimmy Sauls
What is the Lulav? Dr. Kenneth Howard
Waving the 4 Species Moreh James Howard
Blessings for Lulav
Congregational Song Gaburah Ba’ Ha’ Dam Shal Yahusha
Congregational Dance
3:00pm-6:00pm Free time
Rehearsal Day for Wedding Couples -
3:00 pm > Couples Pray Over Each Other
3:30 pm > Foot Washing Ceremony
4:00 pm > Tebillah (Immersion)
5:30 pm > Rehearsal of the Wedding Ceremony
6:00 pm > Rehearsal and Sound Check
3:00pm-5:00pm ObeYah Hebrew Biblical Jeopardy, Board Games, Cards, Soccer, etc
3:00pm-4:00pm CPR,Defibrillator, & AED Training by Interdisciplinary Team
3:00pm- 6:00pm Wilderness Prep Training:
A- Learn how to pack (‘lean’ & camp; “prioritize packing”)
B- Learn how to start (A fire without matches)
C- Learn how to (Pitch and move your tent quickly)
D- Learn how to utilize weapon (Rifles, bow & arrows, spears, and slings)
E- Learn how to (communicate silently)
F- Learn how to (communicate technology or using markers)
7:00pm–8:15pm Dinner
- Entrée:
- Brisket OR
- Beef tips (served on side)
- Pinto beans (vegan)
- Smoked paprika
- Salt
- Pepper
- Garlic
- Onions
- Chives
- Honey
- Agave nectar
- Meat offering: Brisket or beef tips
- Brisket
- Beef tips
- Grain Offering: Vegan Bread Cakes / Muffins
- Whole wheat
- Yeast
- Spring water
- Spices: all spice
- Sides:
- Roasted potatoes
- Garden salad
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Romaine lettuce
- Onions
- Cucumber
- Croutons
- Eggs
- Sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts
- Beverages:
- Sweet Tea
- Water
- Lemonade
- Cider
8:30pm Organic Night of Worship and Testimonies under the stars (amphitheater)
Yom Rishon Sunday October 16, 2022
(Sunday/Monday is the High Sabbath not a travel day)
6:00am-7:00am Early Morning Prayer at Sukkah
8:00am– 10 am Breakfast will be on the Mishpacha ( We must confirm with will )
- Oatmeal packets (quick oats)
- Cream of wheat
- Creamer
- Yogurt and vegan yogurt
- Cereal (3): Bran cereal, corn flakes, honey bunches of oats
- Almond milk / oat milk
- Dairy milk – 2%
- Bagels
- Loaves of bread
- Fruit – bananas, apples, oranges
- Berries – strawberries, blueberries
- Hot water
- Honey
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Lemon juice
- Beverages:
- Coffee, tea bags, juice cups
Individual Wedding (Moreh Anav and Cassie)
- Moreh(Officiant)
- Brides Niece ( comes out until she is under huppah)
- Bride( comes alone, to the point where Her Grandfather is waiting)
- Groom Best Man,( comes out to festive music dances until he gets to Huppah)
- Shofarist will blow the trumpets
- Groom, (will come out to festive music and dance until he gets to Huppah)
- Shofarist will then blow the trumpets again.
Torah Reading:
> Jeremiah 33:10-11 & Genesis 2:18-24
Statement of Purpose:
> Dr. Ken Howard; Exposition of Marriage, Yah’s Way
Declaration of Consent
> Dr. Ken Howard
Blessings of Betrothal/Kiddushin (first cup of Wine)
> Zaqen Paul Bateman
Marriage Vows:
> Dr. Ken Howard;
Reading of The Ketubah: Exchange Of Expressions of Love:
> Groom recites his written letter
> Bride recites her written letter
Exchange of Rings
Wedding Homily
Seven Blessings:
> Blessing of Love
> Blessing of Faith
> Blessing of Wisdom
> Blessing of Peace
> Blessing of Agreement
> Blessing of Hope
> Blessing of The Ruach
Kiddush (second cup of Wine)
> Moreh Tomiko Evans
Circling of the Groom (chatan) and the Bride (kallah)
> Dr. Ken Howard
Chatan Staff Ceremony
> Dr. Ken Howard
Sand Ceremony
> Dr. Ken Howard
Prophetic Declaration:
> Prayer over the newlyweds from Bateman, Sauls, Marlin, and Evans
Pronouncement of Marriage:
> Dr. Ken Howard; pronounces the couple husband (ish) and wife (isha)
Nuptial Kiss:
> Groom may kiss the Bride
Priestly Blessing:
> Dr. Ken Howard: The Blessing Over The Newlyweds (Numbers 6:24-26) (wrapping the bride and groom in a tallit)
> Celebration music plays....
Collective Wedding
5:00 pm
Wedding Ceremony - (biblical explanation of marriage, exchange of
vows, pronouncement of marriage)
> Morah Tawana Howard & Demetrea Sherrill) – Shema Israel (or some other Hebrew Congregational Song
> D. Ken Howard and Zaqen Bateman, Zaqen Sauls, Moreh Marlin, and Moreh Tomiko; remains in place
> Procession of the bride and groom
> Bride’s song plays . . .
> Bride and her father walk in and down to the officiant. They will stay there.
> The shofar is blown
> Groom’s song plays . . .
> Groom walks in and over to the Officiant, Bride and Father.
Torah Reading:
> Jeremiah 33:10-11 & Genesis 2:18-24
Statement of Purpose:
> Dr. Ken Howard; Exposition of Marriage, Yah’s Way
Declaration of Consent
> Dr. Ken Howard
Blessings of Betrothal/Kiddushin (first cup of Wine)
> Zaqen Paul Bateman
Marriage Vows:
> Dr. Ken Howard;
Reading of The Ketubah: Exchange Of Expressions of Love:
> Groom recites his written letter
> Bride recites her written letter
Exchange of Rings/Bracelets/Tassels
Braiding of the Threefold Cord:
> Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 read while braiding
Wedding Homily
Seven Blessings: - Zaqen Jimmy Sauls
> Blessing of Love
> Blessing of Faith
> Blessing of Wisdom
> Blessing of Peace
> Blessing of Agreement
> Blessing of Hope
> Blessing of The Ruach
Kiddush (second cup of Wine)
> Moreh Tomiko Evans
Circling of the Groom (chatan) and the Bride (kallah)
> Dr. Ken Howard
Chatan Staff Ceremony
> Dr. Ken Howard
Candle Ceremony
> Dr. Ken Howard
Prophetic Declaration:
> Prayer over the newlyweds from Bateman, Sauls, Marlin, and Evans
Pronouncement of Marriage:
> Dr. Ken Howard; pronounces the couple husband and wife
Nuptial Kiss:
> Groom may kiss the Bride
Priestly Blessing:
> Dr. Ken Howard: The Blessing Over The Newlyweds (Numbers 6:24-26) (wrapping the bride and groom in a tallit)
> Celebration music plays....
Wedding Reception/Ball. . . let’s party!
Dinner Buffet Served
Rosemary Chicken Breasts (gf)
Roasted Herbed Salmon (gf)
Tofu Curry (v, gf)
Rice Pilaf (v, gf)
Mac n Cheese (vegetarian)
Grilled Asparagus (v, gf)
Garden Salad w/choice 2 dressings (v, gf)
Dinner rolls and butter
Sheet Cake
Iced Tea, Lemonade, Water
Live Music
Live Music: Lorvins
DJ Music
Live Music: Yapah
DJ Music
Clyde J
Shemini Atzeret Feast Meal Served
- Entrée:
- Gyros (buffet style):
- Onions
- Tzatziki sauce: vegan yogurt, cucumbers, lemon juice, salt, pepper, garlic granules
- Tomatoes
- Bell peppers
- Pita wraps
- Meat offering: Lamb
- Ground Lamb
- Lamb trimmings
- Grain Offering: Pita bread
- Whole wheat
- Yeast
- Spring water
- Spices: all spice
- Sides:
- Garden salad
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Romaine lettuce
- Onions
- Cucumber
- Croutons
- Eggs
- Sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts
- Beverages:
- Sweet Tea
- Water
- Lemonade
- Cider
Yom She-nee Monday October 17, 2022
(Monday at 6:00pm or Sundown is the travel day)
8:00am-9:00am Breakfast
- Oatmeal packets (quick oats)
- Cream of wheat
- Creamer
- Yogurt and vegan yogurt
- Cereal (3): Bran cereal, corn flakes, honey bunches of oats
- Almond milk / oat milk
- Dairy milk – 2%
- Bagels
- Loaves of bread
- Fruit – bananas, apples, oranges
- Berries – strawberries, blueberries
- Hot water
- Honey
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Lemon juice
- Coffee, tea bags, juice cups
9:00am -10:00am Corporate prayer
10:00am-12:00pm Breakdown

Yahuah has been using the wilderness throughout the time of ancient Israel. The Most High used it as a place of accelerated growth and training.
Wilderness Prep is designed for in the last days to be equipped, and transition from where they are to where TMH is calling them.
The Word says in Deuteronomy 29:5 “And I have led you forty years in the wilderness: your clothes are not waxen old upon you, and thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot.”
There is nothing that is more challenging than experiencing what our ancient fathers have experienced. The Wilderness Prep is more than just camping or sitting by a fire pit. Just like ancient Israel it reveals the condition of our hearts while in the wilderness.
The purpose of TMH leading them to the wilderness was to test, train and prepare them to be sanctified warriors. To be the set-apart people that they were called to become.
Survival is no simple task, and just like in ancient times we must be prepared for lies ahead. Wilderness Prep is design for training and survival techniques that must be acquired. Again, wilderness prep is more that just camping, it’s learning and handling various scenarios that might pop-up at any given time.
It all about acquiring skills and attitude here are some basic tools that are needed:
- It’s going to be uncomfortable
- Learn how to pack ‘lean’ (the wilderness is not a vacation) & “prioritize packing” (what to pack and not to pack)
- Learn how to communicate (technology or using markers)
- Learn herbs for healing (there will not be a hospital in the wilderness)
- Learn how to start a fire without matches
- Learn how to pitch and move your tent quickly
- Learn how to utilize weapon (rifles, bow & arrows, spears, and slings) note: there will be no bullets in the wilderness
- Learn how to communicate silently

- A valid Sukkah must consist of at least three walls. [In practice, this can be satisfied with two complete walls and a small segment of a third wall, which qualifies as a third wall.]
- Walls can be of any material, so long as they are sturdy enough to withstand a normal wind.
- One may incorporate walls of an existing structure into his Sukkah if desired. Some even use a thick hedge of bushes.
- The walls should be at least 38 inches high (3.2 ft.), but not higher than 30 feet.
- A regular tent should be suffice
Center Sukkah
Located in the center of Ransburg Scout Reservation, the actual length and width of the tabernacle matches what is described in scripture. Only the height will be lower (9ft compared to 15ft). The “holy of holies” section will be a special area for personal prayer and the Torah will be read there 24/7 through a professional recording.
At the place where the altar would normally be, we will have a community campfire where we will have gatherings to give praise offerings and testimonies in the evenings. The campfire can also be used by anyone to gather & even cook their food while fellowshipping with others during the day.
The replica is for the purposes of teaching and memorializing YAHUAH's ways (see Joshua 22:28), not for literal sacrifice or offering.
The tabernacle will be built before the feast begins. Come early (October 9th morning) if you want to assist in the building effort.

The average temperature for this time of the year is lower to upper 70’s during the day and mid 50’s at night. It can get into the upper 80’s during the day or lower 40’s at night though so dress appropriately. Inclement weather is always possible (likely) so make sure your tent and other equipment is well prepared for wind and rain.

This year, the Great Awakening Event and Feast Day Committee team has come up with some fun and unique ways to join in celebrating the festivities for Sukkot 2022. Gather your family or close friends together for an amicable exhibit and competition of the most innovative sukkah. This fun event offers participants the chance to present innovative and original designs for a Sukkah that can be built by an individual, using materials and building methods that are sustainable and easily available. Each project will need to include details explaining the building method and the biblical story that motivated it.
The Zaqens (Elders) of the Great Awakening will select winning design submissions which will receive a prize.
The following is recommended based on a 4 Day stay at Sukkot 2022. Please adjust as needed.
TENT or RV or materials to build a SUKKAH
- 1 blanket (lightweight)
- Full & Twin size sheet set
- 1 pillow w/ pillowcase
- 1 laundry bag (NO plastic bags)
- Bath towels + 1 lake/pool towel
- Washcloths
- Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- Comb/Brush
- Soap & Shampoo
- Sunscreen
- Shower Shoes (flip-flops work well)
- 4 changes of underwear
- 4 pairs of socks
- 2 pairs of shorts/gym shorts
- 2 sets of clothes to get really dirty in
- 1 poncho or raincoat
- 1 pair tennis shoes/sneakers
- 1 pair water shoes/flip-flops
- 2 swimsuits (one-piece or tankini that covers midsection)
- Sleepwear
- Optional: sunglasses
- Optional: 1 set of “nice” clothes, such as Polo/khakis, sundress, etc. to wear on closing night
- Bible
- Shofar
- Flashlight
- Insect Repellant
- 1-2 Washable Face Masks
- Optional: Water Bottle
- Optional: Fishing equipment, camera
Because Sukkot was also about hospitality, bring stuff to share with another family. Who knows?

Massive Hebraic Wedding and Ball
In marriage we choose our spouses everyday regardless of the ups and downs. This year you have the unique opportunity to exchange your vows again or for the first time with your spouse and recommit to choosing your spouse everyday. Great Hebrew Awakening International is excited to announce we are hosting a massive vow renewal and ball October 16, 2022. The 8th day of Sukkot, Shemini Azeret. According to Leviticus 23, Sukkot begins on the 15th day of the 7th month of the Hebrew calendar. It lasts for seven days and then there is a bonus day called the 8th day or in hebrew Shemini Atzeret.
Leviticus 23:34–36
34 “Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘On the fifteenth of this seventh month is the Feast of Booths for seven days to YAHUAH. 35 ‘On the first day is a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work of any kind. 36 ‘For seven days you shall present an offering by fire to YAHUAH. On the eighth day you shall have a holy convocation and present an offering by fire to YAHUAH; it is an assembly. You shall do no laborious work.
On the last day of the feast, the great day (meaning the 8th day) is about New Jerusalem, A Future New Beginnings is about the prophetic Wedding Feast when Heaven comes down to earth. Here’s what Revelation 19 says about this 8th Day Wedding Feast.
Revelation 19:9
9 Then he said to me, “Write, ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.’ ” And he said to me, “These are the true words of Elohim.”
In fashion with the future wedding feast of Shemni-Atzeret (the 8th day assembly) the Great Awakening International’s massive vow renewal, on the beautiful grounds of Ransburg Scout Reservation in Bloomington, Indiana, will be like nothing you have seen before. Couples from around the country will participate in a Hebraic exchange of vows and create a lasting memory with their spouse. What better way to celebrate one another and your covenant together then to incorporate the Hebraic view into your union. Couples are welcome to invite other guests to witness this exciting time and our hope is you will leave the experience better bonded to your Ish or Isha. Whether currently married or exchanging vows for the first time, this is the perfect opportunity to celebrate with Mishpacha and one another.
Following the exchange of vows couples and guests will attend a memorable ball and will enjoy a delicious catered meal by a local chef, musical guests including Lorvins, Yapah Q, Clyde J and others, dancing, live entertainment and keepsake items from the renewal. Prior to the vow renewal couples will participate in private group workshops to prepare them for the details of the ceremony, the Hebraic customs and how to customize their Ketubah. You will be in great company knowing that you are a part of a larger community supporting the success of your marriage.
Registration for couples includes:
- Preworkshops led by Dr. Ken and Morah Tawana
- Workshop at Sukkot to finalize your customized Ketubah
- Wedding Rehearsal
- Professional Photographs
- Symbolic keepsake items used for Hebraic vow exchange (Talit or Prayer Shawl, Two wine glasses, Chatan or staff for the groom)
- Parting Gifts to mark the occasion
- A fully decorated venue with a catered meal
- Evites to send to family and friends
- Couples will bring their completed Ketubah and their choice of a symbolic exchange of covenant (rings, tassels, bracelets) to the renewal.
Couples interested in participating should click here to register. Guests attending can find registration below. If Guests are not registered for the 8 DAY or 4 DAY Experience, are required to pay a $60 registration fee for the Massive Wedding and Ball.