


Do You Want to Volunteer for Passover 2025

Want to volunteer for Passover 2025? Then consider joining one of our Passover 2025 Teams. Teams are the heart of the Great Awakening Mishpacha and being part of a team for Passover 2025 provides an opportunity to ensure that this event is done in excellence.  All volunteers must be registered for Passover 2025.  Please fill out the Volunteer Form below.  Indicate your interest and willingness to participate in up to 3 teams. Once you fill out the form you will be contacted by someone to connect you to a team. Click on the volunteer button below to fill out the form.


Passover Story Time with the Zekenim

Passover commemorates YAHUAH’s deliverance of the Hebrew people from slavery in Mitzriam (Egypt) and our deliverance from the law of sin and death.  It is a commandment from YAHUAH  to keep this night as a memorial to Him.  “… This day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to YAHUAH  throughout all your generations.  You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.” (Exodus 12:14).

During our first night together (Tuesday April 1, 2025), our Zekenim (Elders), will be telling the story of Passover and it's signficance to us today. In alignment with the scriptures. Exodus 13:8,10, “and thou shall show your son in that day, saying, ‘this is done because of that which YAHUAH did unto me when I came forth out of Mitzraim (Egypt).  We shall therefore keep this ordinance in His season from year to year.”  Our Zekeniim will share with the Mishpacha why if YAHUAH had not taken our ancestors out from Mitzraim (Egypt), we too would still be enslaved to the Pharaoh.  Likewise, each one of us was in our own personal Mitzraim (Egypt): slaves to sin, when the Elohim our Yah, the Yah of Avraham (Abraham), Yitschaq (Isaac) and Ya’aqov (Jacob) brought us out of our sins with a strong hand and an outstretched arm in the person of our Savior, Yahusha HaMashiach .



Interactive Pesach Meal

This year's Great Awakening Passover Interactive Formal Meal 2025 promises to be like no other. We would like to invite you and your family to this memorable and commanded event on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, at 6:00 pm.  

The Interactive Pesach Menu will include the main three commandment items.

  1. Lamb roasted by fire (Exodus 12:7)
  2. Bitter herb (Exodus 12:8)
  3. Unleavened bread (Exodus 12:8)

The rest of the menu will include variety of vegetables, potatoes, salad and dessert.

Passover commemorates YAHUAH’s deliverance of the Hebrew people from slavery in Mitzriam (Egypt) and our deliverance from the law of sin and death.  It is a commandment from YAHUAH  to keep this night as a memorial to Him.  “… This day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to YAHUAH  throughout all your generations.  You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.” (Exodus 12:14)

In preparation for the celebration, it is customary to remove all leaven (chametz) from our homes (Exodus 12:15, 19).  As a result, the removal of leaven signifies the attitude of penitence, the willingness to remove any corrupting influence in our life and submit to YAHUAH  in obedience.  As the Hebrews prepared for the exodus by obeying the commands of YAHUAH  through Moses, so in removing the chametz, we symbolize our willingness to obey YAHUAH  in preparation for celebrating the deliverance he has already brought to His people.

So as descendants, redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, let us celebrate with great joy and eat our Passover Lamb.

“Then they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses in which they eat [the lamb]. They shall eat the flesh that night, roasted on the fire; with unleavened bread and bitter herbs they shall eat it. Do not eat any of it raw or boiled in water, but roasted, its head with its legs and its inner parts.  And you shall let none of it remain until the morning; anything that remains until the morning you shall burn. In this manner you shall eat it: with your belt fastened, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. And you shall eat it in haste. It is YAHUAH’S Passover” (Exodus 12:7-11).

Don't forget to wear your formal Hebrew attire!

Why Do We Celebrate Passover Meal on April 2nd and The Feast of Unleavened on April 3rd?

  1. Passover Meal Program Guide
  2. Zoom Instructions Guide
  3. Video of the Passover Meal
  4. Revised Flyer
  5. Video of Getting the Leaven Out
  6. Types of Leavening Agents
  7. Types of Food You Can Eat

Presentation of the Males

Deuteronomy 6:16 Three times in a year all your males shall appear before YAHUAH your Elohim in the place which He chooses, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread and at the Feast of Weeks and at the Feast of Booths, and they shall not appear before YAHUAH empty-handed. 17 Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of YAHUAH your Elohim which He has given you.

The law is repeated, that the men were to appear before YAHUAH three times a year at the three feasts. In fashion with the Scriptures, we ask all men and boys i.e. uncles, fathers, sons, nephews, and grandfathers to present their household of males before Yahuah in the presence of the set-apart women and other attendees. During the presentation program, each household of men is expected to:

  1. Have color and attire coordination representing each household.
  2. Greet the Body of Assembly with a creative greeting.
  3. Read a Torah Passage that best represents their family.
  4. Offer a free will gift that can be used for the entire GAI Community.

Not Empty-Handed?

Ancient Israel, being an agrarian society, primarily used agricultural products for their offerings: "'When any one of you brings an offering to YAHUAH, you shall bring your offering of the livestock—of the herd and of the flock'" (Leviticus 1:2). Although Feastgoers could exchange their Festival tithes from farm products to money (Deuteronomy 14:25), they also brought sacrificial offerings to YAHUAH, some of which were enjoyed during festival meals.

We are not suggesting to equate modern customs with ancient practices and customs. Today, offerings are understood in monetary terms. But we should not envisage in Deuteronomy 16 a modern setting of offering baskets being passed around the congregation during services for the collection of monetary offerings. Israelites would have brought their animal offerings to be given to the priests at these times.

We ask that all households of males come before the Body of Assembly during Passover/Unleavened Bread 2025 with something meaningful that would be beneficial to the Mishpacha, whether day be monetary, food items, electronic devices, instruments, etc.



Exodus Dance & Tribal Drum Night

During the Pesach Meal we encourage all families to join us in the ‘Exodus Dance’ to memorialize how our Ancestors Danced out of Egypt (Exodus 15:20-21)

Ish take hold of your Isha, take your children and your Achot and Achim. Bring your DRUMS, BONGOS,
CONJAS, DJEMBAS, and tambourine, your organic dance, the shofar, and rams horn! Let us bring forth an Exodus Praise! Let us Celebrate our freedom in a dance before Yah! Let the Royal House dance out of bondage and into Covenant with Aba Yah! Bring forth an Exodus Praise!!

The Exodus Dance is a time where we divide the room into two groups (depicting the dividing of the Red Sea); as festive live music is played, the beating of the drums, and playing of the tambourines, and the beating of the drums, we encourage all individual families to part the middle of the two groups with dancing, commentating coming out of bondage (Egypt) into the freedom (Promise Land). Let’s memorialize the ancient Passover Event by Praising and Dancing our way out of Bondage.

“Then the prophet Miriam, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine in her hand, while all the women went out after her with tambourines, dancing; and she responded to them: Sing to Yahuah, for he is gloriously triumphant; horse and chariot he has cast into the sea” - Exodus 15:20-21


Passover 2025 Immersions

On Friday, April 4, 2025 at time to be determined the Great Awakening will hold a corporate lake immersion for all persons who want to be immersed. The immersion will take place at Camp Paradise Valley in Burkesville, KY. Individuals will be immersed in the Name of the Messiah (Yahusha). It is anticipated that over 50+ people from across the country will take part in this charge to believers. Interested persons must register by clicking below.

We do immersions, not baptisms:

  • In an Immersion, the person is guided and thus goes underwater using their own strength. While with a baptism one is pushed or taken under by the facilitator of the occurrence.
  • Immersion as well as baptism are expressly done with a repentance first focus and is voluntary.
  • Immersion the participants are to RISE from beneath the water with their own strength and guidance of the Ruach (Holy Spirit).
  • In baptism the facilitator brings the participants up out of the water.
  • Baptism is done mostly in pools or stabilized waters but can be done in living waters. Immersions (Hebraic Mikvah's) are usually done in living bodies of water.
  • Baptism usually is a one-time event. Immersions can occur during multiple life-transforming events. Such as coming of age, childbirth, marriage, ritual cleansing, and many more.
  • One is practiced by Christianity and the other is cultural; related to Israel of scripture.


During Immersion: Here is the process for the actual physical immersion in water.

  • We will help you step into the lake.
  • Two of our Moreh immersers will stand to each side of you
  • If led by the Ruach, one or both Moreh Immersers will pray and prophecy over you
  • The Immersers will gently push down on the top of your head as a signifier for you to go down into the water. (You will go down in your own strength but rise in and by the Ruach.
  • You will dip yourself vertically (straight down) into the water and come up vertically (straightway).
  • You are encouraged to relax and plug your nose.
  • Our immersers will hold you as you come up to ensure your safety.
  • While you are being immersed, the immerser will say something along these lines: “We say the following: "In obedience to the command of our Mashiach and based upon the profession of your faith, I now immerse you in the Name and in the authority of Yahusha." Buried with Mashiach [immersed in water], Raised to walk in new life [emerge from water].”
  • Feel free to express your joy, praise to Abba, look out at your friends, wave at your family, and cheer if you want. Just be yourself. This is a community celebration, so feel free to celebrate with your friends, Mishpacha, and dozens of believers on sight.
After your immersion: we will help you step out of the lake, and a helper will hand you a towel and help you out of the Lake so that you can go and change your clothes.

All males and females are required to bring the following:
  • For women, Capri or lightweight pants and a neutral color T-shirt.
  • For men, appropriate swimwear and a neutral color T-shirt.
  • Please wear appropriate clothing that won’t be harmed by getting wet.
  • Keep in mind how the material will look on you when it is wet, so you can take the necessary steps to be modest at all times (no white t-shirts!).
  • Bring a light jacket as temperatures can be quite cool early in the morning in Kentucky.
  • Beach Towel.
  • Change of clothes.
  • Women in their menstrual cycle should take proper precautions as far as utilizing hygienic items.
  • Bathing cap (optional).
Be in Prayer: Be in prayer asking Yah to speak through you and that you would share your testimony of how He has changed your life. Be Prepared to Share: Be prepared to give brief answers to the following questions:

  • How do you describe the feeling of being immersed in the true name of the Messiah?
  • How the Awakening has changed your life?
  • Participants must register below.

Please Click below and fill out all the required fields and click the SUBMIT button when done. Please submit one form per person.

Prohibited / Allowed Food Items April 3-April 9

The Passover Feast has some special dietary restrictions. Torah-observant Hebrews prohibits the eating of chametz during Passover as directed in the Torah. Chametz includes any food product or recipe made with the following grains:

Hebrew word for leaven is seor but the word chametz is any food product made from wheat, barley, rye, oats or spelt that has come into contact with water and been allowed to ferment and rise, is not to be consumed during Passover. Instead, matzah, an unleavened flatbread made of flour and water, is eaten. Chametz includes grains like wheat, oats, rye, barley and spelt, which are prohibited if they’ve had contact with water/moisture for longer than 18 minutes, leading to rising or “leavening.” Leavening agents, like yeast and sourdough, are also considered chametz.


Yeasts, including: baker’s yeast and active dried yeast, Ammonium carbonate, Ammonium bicarbonate, Baking powder, Baking soda, Cream of tartar (potassium bitartrate), Dipotassium carbonate, Monocalcium phosphate, Potassium carbonate, Potassium bicarbonate, Sodium aluminum phosphate, Sodium aluminum sulfate, Sourdough


The following lists items which contain Baking Powder and/or Baking Soda (or Sodium Bicarbonate) and/or YEAST and/or Baker’s Yeast. All of these need to be avoided during the Days of Unleavened Bread:

Baking Powder; Malt; Flour (with yeast or leaven);Crackers; Bread; Bagels; Muffins; Hamburger and Hot Dog Buns; Garlic Bread; Baguettes; Cheese Straws; Sausage Rolls; Corn Dogs; Sour Dough; Biscuits; Pretzel; (some) Cereals; Cheese Puffs; Cake; Pastry; (some) Pies; Cookies; Ice Cream Cones and Wafers; (some) Ice Cream with added Cookies; Pancakes; Waffles; Puff Pastry; Self-Rising Flour; Graham Crackers; Bread Crumbs; Deep-Fried Chicken; Anything battered, i.e., Onion Rings or Fish; Croutons; Flour Tortillas; Burritos; Soft Tacos; Kit Kat; Wafer Biscuits; (some) Candy; (some) Candy Bars; Chinese Orange Chicken; Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Breaded Chicken; (some) Cereal Bars; Granola Bars; Ramen Noodles; (most) Bacon Bits, Cakes, Cereals, Coffee with cereal additives, Leavened bread, rolls; croissants, doughnuts, Wheat, barley, oats, spelt, rye.


Fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, Eggs, fresh fish, fresh meat and poultry, Potatoes,Corn Meal, Tortillas, Noodles, Matzos, Milk & Cheese (dairy products should not be mixed with meat), Nuts, Peas, Beans, Rice, Quinoa,Cinnamon Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles, Honey bunches of oats chocolate, Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Chocolate Chex, Cinnamon Chex, Fruits and Oats Chex, Honey Nut Chex, Rice Chex, Vanilla Chex, Chickpea Pasta, Brown Rice Pasta, Quinoa Pasta, Black bean spaghetti, Kosher meats (no breading or coating), Tortilla chips, 100% fruit or vegetable juice, Rice, Matzo meal, Matzo cake meal, Corn, Green beans, Okra, Beans, Lentils, Quinoa, Fish (tuna, salmon, whiting, etc.), Mission Gluten Free soft taco tortillas, Some gluten-free flours (potato, almond, etc.), Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour, Simple Truth Organic Gluten Free Coconut Flour, Cream of Rice Gluten Free, Krusteaz Gluten Free All Purpose Flour, Taco shells, Peanut butter, Grits, Some pasta sauces (Please read label), Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Raisins, Olives, Ketchup, mustard, mayo (Please read label), Mashed potatoes (boxed), Oat milk, almond milk, and rice milk


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