Week-Long Intensive
Location: Detroit, MI May 29-June 5, 2023
The Morim/Morot Retreat 2023 will run from Monday afternoon through Friday evening. May 29-June 2, 2023 (1 Week Intensive Face-to-Face Training and Fellowship).
The Morim/Morot Retreat 2023 is a retreat for all training Morm/Morot of the Great Awakening Assemblies. This Five-day retreat concludes final week of a 6 month intensive training process for the prospective Morim (Male Teachers) and Morot (Women Teachers) of the Great Awakening Assemblies. This retreat of training will take place the Monday thru Friday (May 29-June 2) prior to the Shavuot Weekend held in Detroit, MI. Morim & Morot will be engaged in sessions that will improve their leadership capacity, identifying strengths & weaknesses, augment traits of an effective leader, foster strategic planning and much more. This retreat is also for the Moim/Morot along with their spouses, and children to engage in a time of recreation, fellowship, and relaxation.
The Retreat focuses on basic training in Torah foundations, vision formation, need assessments, evangelism strategies, discipleship, character development, and leadership strategy, gathering strategy, stewardship strategy, Hebraic centered worship strategies, administrative strategies, developing a team, and mileposts. Morim/Morot will develop a plan of action for planting and assisting a Great Awakening Assembly including mobilizing your team, clarifying your vision, developing your strategy, core group formation, organization issues, equipping leaders, ministry development, and starting assemblies that reproduce. Other topics include….
- Leadership Development and Training
- Group Building Exercises
- Personality/Character Test Assessments
- Spiritual Gift Assessments
- Mental Health Assessments
- How to Start, Sustain and Strive as an Assembly
- How to build a Leadership Team
- Marketing Strategies
- Avoiding the Pitfall of Unintentional Syncretism
- Recruiting a Launch Team
- Contextualization and the Gospel
- End Time Preparations
- Who’s Who in the Scriptures
- Hebrew Apologetics
- How to Share the Truth (Great News) in your city
- Financial Strategies and Documents for Assemblies
- Torah-based Constitution for Great Awakening Assemblies
- Feast Days
- Torah-Based Personality/Character Test Assessments
- Spiritual Gift Assessment
- Mental Health Assessment
- Hebraic Doctrinal Beliefs
- Sacerdotal Training (Ketubah Marriages, Funerals, Dedications)
- Hebraic Counseling Training
- Spouse and Family Preparedness
- Prophetic Demonstrations

Trainees and their families will be staying in the Quads at University of Detroit Mercy. The Quads at University of Detroit consists of four, 4-story residence halls connected at the basement level to the Quads Commons building.
The Quads offers suite arrangements where two double rooms share a single bathroom. Two rooms (four beds) connected to one restroom with shower. Every room is air conditioned and each floor features a lounge with seating and a television.
The Quad Commons features the Quad Commons Theatre, which will serve as a multipurpose room and meeting space for is during the Morim/Morot Training 2023.
This dormitory style lodging allows for GAI to keep registration cost very low without the hassle of expensive hotel rooms, accommodate all trainees and their families, and help us maintain a communal close knit bond and family togetherness that many of you have come to appreciate about GAI events.
Unless you plan to room with a registered family member, GAI will select a fellow trainee to room with you. Single rooms are available upon request and with a slight up charge. However, we recommend that all trainees share sleeping quarters with one of their fellow trainees to maximize the full bonding experience. Our highest priorities are to keep families together and to provide separate sleeping suites or floors for single men and women attendees.
Dormitories do not include any bedding or linens (sheets, pillows, blankets, wash cloths). You must bring your own bedding and linen. If you decide not to travel with these item the University will provide 1 pillow, 1 blanket, 2 flat sheets, 1 bath towel, and 1 washcloth for a flat rate of $10.

The Location for this year’s GAI Morim & Morot will be held in Detroit, MI at:
University of Detroit Mercy,
4001 W. McNichols Road
Detroit, MI 48221-3038
Across southeast Michigan, University of Detroit Mercy has three campuses in the city of Detroit. Shavuot 2023 will take place at the McNIcols (6 Mile) Campus. The McNichols Campus is in northwest Detroit, on the southeast corner of McNichols and Livernois Avenue, with the entrance on McNichols Road. The campus is accessible from the Lodge (M-10), Chrysler (I-75) and Jeffries (I-96) freeways.

5:00-6:00pm Dinner Downtown Detroit
6:00-8:00pm Detroit Tigers vs. Texas Rangers
9:00pm Free Time

All inclusive Lodging and food from Tuesday-Friday $300 total (The Retreat Pricing doesn’t include Monday’s expenses and the Shavuot registration. These are two separate registrations.
Additional Fees
$115 total
[T-Shirt $15, Retreat Bag / Backpack $15, Medallion $20, Staff $20, Prayer Shawl $25, Certificate of Installation $20]. This fee is separate from your registration. All monies for this category should be sent via Cashapp.

GAI will be installing and consecrating new Morot (Male Teachers) and Morot (Women Teachers) on Saturday June 3, 2023. The experiences of Israel were recorded so that we, Yah’s people, could learn from them today (1 Corinthians 10:11). The ceremonies foreshadowed future events. Even seemingly small events were intended to teach important lessons.
Consider the ceremony involved in the consecration of the Levitical priesthood, beginning with Aaron and his sons. The ceremony is described at the beginning of Exodus 29. The Hebrew word for “consecrate” means “to fill” or “fill the hand.” It was Yah’s intent that the priesthood would “fill” themselves with the work Yah set aside for them. The consecration ceremony was designed to physically demonstrate that.
Since the days of the patriarchs and throughout the Scriptures, YAHUAH has used sacred offices and ministries to guide the Assembly to the fulfillment of its earthly purpose. The earliest records of ancient writers have included Holy rituals that have given the Assembly its character and majesty. The Old and New Testaments contain depictions of YAHUAH’s design and relationship to the Assembly. The New Testament in particular, gives fine points that outline the character and duties of the post-Resurrection Assembly.
The Scriptural models highlight the orders of commending ministries that give expression to the character of the Assembly. The Presbyters or Elders and MorIM are charged to govern, shepherd, proclaim the Besorah (Gospel), administer YAHUAH’s ordinances and strengthen the Assembly missionary zeal.
The Great Awakening Assembly recognizes those who are capable and called of YAHUAH to commend them to the work of the ministry. Their ability and gifting are acknowledged through ceremonial prayer and the laying on of hands. Those who are called are forever associated with the redemptive plan of YAHUAH for peace and reconciliation of Israel. The act of consecration is a public affirmation of the servant’s call and pledge of lifelong commitment to the cause of Yahusha HaMashiach and the Assembly.