Anthony Boddy Sr. has been in ministry for 9 years. He served in the media ministry for 2 years and as a assistant Minister for 3 years and has been in the Awakening for 4 years. Anthony played Division 1 football as a DB at Illinois State University and graduated with his Bachelors Degree in Engineering Technology with a minor in Industrial Engineering. Currently serving as a Moreh/Prophet ~"servant" at Great Awakening Chicago, while continuing his career as a Project Engineer. Anthony is the Husband of Kayla Boddy and the father of 3 year old Anthony Boddy Jr.(Aj) and new born daughter Aviyah Yisra'EL Boddy. He is the owner and Producer/Director of Seeeking God Films. It is the will of the Father that Anthony brings a Ruach filled assembly to the Chicago land area to continue what Yahusha Ha'Mashiach (Jesus Christ) started, Repentance, Restore, Rebuild, Return to Yahuah's Torah (Instructions and Commandments ); to prepare for the Kingdom!!!
Yeshayah (Isaiah) 61:1-4.

Mr. Tomiko Leon Evans Is the son of Mr. Leon Evans & Ms. Daphne Johnson. A graduate of CC Sweeting Senior
High School. And is currently perusing a degree in Media Technology.
I am an Audio Engineer by profession and the Vice President of FOAM COMMUNITY CENTER a non-profit
Organization “Reaching out to make life easier for those in need” initially FOAM was just design to help the
grieving but we have now expanded to help the community at large.
Tomiko was a member of Bahamas harvest church we he was a servant in the Media department, the leader of the
Men Ministry for a year, and also a communicator in the young adult ministry.
My awakening experience started from I was very young with there always being a desire to know the history of my
family, but I never really perused it until 2019 after watching a YouTube video in which Dr. Howard & Bro. Ron
Dalton was talking about the Hebrews to Negros movie and the great awakening conference in Detroit.
From that day until now I have been on a journey to know more about the true identity of our people.
I believe that Yah has chosen myself along with many others who understand who we truly are as a people, a
remnant the will usher in a and change the face of the church as we know it today. Within the Islands of the
Bahamas there will be a rise in the Hebrew community and many will come to the truth of who we really are and
what we are called to do
I would like to see a Bahamas a place where we love our brothers and sisters and live in peace and harmony so with this belief I offer myself to work and learn all that I can working along with The Great Awakening Assemblies to
help unite the lost tribes of Israel and turn The Bahamas into a true paradise by the power of the holy spirit.


Moreh Rick Marlin, the son of Deacon Richard Marlin and the late Martha Ann, was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is the husband of one wife of 20 years, Sister Coletta. To this union the Most High has Blessed them with a daughter, Destynee. Brought up and trained in the Apostolic Pentecostal Church, Rick received the baptism of the Ruach at the age of 15 and was called to the ministry at the age of 19 under the pastorate of his father in law, Bishop Arthur Newman. Soon after, he attended Aenon Bible College, received his ministerial license with the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, and served in various capacities including Sunday School Superintendent, Sunday school teacher, and outreach ministry. His awakening began six years ago during full active Christian ministry. He had begun studying the Torah, allowing the Instructions of the Creator to give illumination to his previous understanding. In August of 2019, Abba YAH laced Teshuvah Ministries within his heart, which focuses on the returning of the Children of Israel to the covenant of The Most High. With the strength that only YAH gives, his desire is to reach as many souls as possible with the truth of the Word through his teaching, writing, and ministry.