Interdisciplinary Ministry
GA interdisciplinary team comprise of Torah observant and ruach-filled professionals from various disciplines who work in collaboration to address GA mishpacha with multiple physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, marital, family, social, and psychological needs. Our interdisciplinary team is not just a group of awakened experts implementing separate care and treatments of a person(s). They complement one another's expertise and actively coordinate to work toward shared treatment goals.
Our team of interdisciplinary professionals are nurses, physical therapists, physicians, therapists, social workers, morehs (spiritual practitioner), family counselors, and other specialists all working together for the shared goal of the mishpacha healing, deliverance, treatment and recovery.
Our Interdisciplinary Team focuses on Mental Health, Fitness & Nutrition, Torah-based Spiritual Care, Financial Stewardship, Family Counselling, and Health Care needs. This team take an approach to healing and deliverance that integrates multiple disciplines through collaboration of teams within the Great Awakening. These teams help ensure that the Mishpacha of GAI receives the best care by implementing an integrated approach to inner healing.

Join the Team
The GA Interdisciplinary Team needs you! Do you fellowship with the Great Awakening? Are you a social worker, counselor, certified trainer, herbalist or nutritionist and would like to join our mission to meet the mental and physical needs of our people? If so please fill out the form below and/or contact Rhonda Jones for more info at greatawakeintteam@gmail.com

Coaches Agreement
- The Coaches at Great Awakening International (GAI) are functioning as Coaches. This service is not intended as a replacement for licensed medical treatment or any services within the medical care model. Coaching is not therapy, counseling, mental health care, or medical treatment.
- Coaching is designed to address issues the person being coached would like to consider such as nutrition and fitness education relationship enhancement, medical advocacy, lifestyle management, life balance, decision making, spiritual growth, movement through transitions, or the achievement of short-term or long-term goals.
- Coaching can involve prayer support and intercession, Torah/scripture exploration and enlightenment, motivational interviewing, brainstorming, values clarification, the completion of written assignments, education, goal setting, identifying plans of action, accountability, making requests, agreements to change behavior, examining lifestyles, and questioning.
- Coaching is most effective when parties are honest and straightforward in their communication.
- Coaching is a confidential relationship and the coach agrees to keep all information strictly confidential, except in those situations in which such confidentiality would violate the law or could jeopardize the safety of the client or others.
- The GAI Coaches are committed followers of Yahusha HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) and seek to live in accordance with this commitment. Using biblical principles is the foundation of our coaching style. The coaches are honest in making this revelation, but they respect the different values and beliefs in others. The coaches do not seek to impose their values on another, proselytize, condemn, or refuse coaching services to people who do not share similar values and beliefs.
- For the purposes of this agreement, and the Coach(es) of Greater Awakening International agree to meet for up to three Efforts will be made to accommodate each other’s schedules. This agreement may be extended by mutual agreement or terminated by either party at any time.
- Each of the parties whose signatures appear below agree to inform the other of the need to cancel an appointment. Except in unusual circumstances, this cancellation will be given no less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time.
- Each of the people whose signature appears below agrees that this agreement represents our mutual understanding of the coaching relationship.
Client Signature____________________________________ Date____________
Coach Signature____________________________________ Date____________
The Team
Rhonda has been a registered nurse for 30 years and holds a Bachelor of Science of Nursing from Michigan State University. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist with a master’s degree in the Science of Health Behavior and Health Promotion from the University of Michigan.
Rhonda is also an American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach. She is also certified nutrition consultant.
Rhonda infuses her knowledge and skills of medicine, wellness, health and fitness in her presentations and workshops making them fun, interactive, inspiring and educational.
She uses her gift of motivation, and humor to motivate people to engage in healthier lifestyles. She believes once you obtain the right mindset, your behavior and then good health will follow..

Rhonda has been a registered nurse for 30 years and holds a Bachelor of Science of Nursing from Michigan State University. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist with a master’s degree in the Science of Health Behavior and Health Promotion from the University of Michigan.
Rhonda is also an American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach. She is also certified nutrition consultant.
Rhonda infuses her knowledge and skills of medicine, wellness, health and fitness in her presentations and workshops making them fun, interactive, inspiring and educational.
She uses her gift of motivation, and humor to motivate people to engage in healthier lifestyles. She believes once you obtain the right mindset, your behavior and then good health will follow..