
We’re excited to assist you in your role as a liaison to help bring together awakened people in your geographical area. Thank you for your shared interest in our vision for planting awakened worship hubs throughout the United States and the World. We hope by now, that you had the opportunity to pray, consult with your spouse (if applicable), meet with your Dr. Howard and/or Moreh Rick Marlin, and ready to work in solidarity with YAHUAH concerning this most important endeavor.

Why do we need Worship Hubs and Liaisons?

This Awakening is massive repentance (returning to Torah, Laws, and Commandments) on global scale. The Awakening is a move of the Ruach HaQodesh (Holy Spirit) that’s happening on every major continent where the disperse of Israel is. percentage of African Americans (and others) are responding to this movement and are leaving Christianity and it’s pagan practices by the droves and are awakening to their true identity as Hebrews. We are being awakened every day in urban and rural areas across the world.

According to Lifeway Research, most African Americans (62%) say they are not familiar with the teachings of the Awakening, a movement that contends black are the physical descendants of the ancient Israelites. Few (4%) consider themselves to be a Hebrew. That means the majority of African Americans are void in their understanding of their connection to the people of the scriptures and how biblical history is uniquely their history. Most people of color, throughout the world, lack settings where they can hear biblical scholarship that corrects the false doctrines learned in Christian settings.

An increasing number of people of color are growing more skeptical of organized religious settings and longing for a deeper truth. Although blacks still tend to be more religious than the general population, those under 30 are three times as likely to leave the Christian Church. Christian culture continues to uphold infused syncretism, pagan practices, immortality, and white supremacy—even within black churches. Therefore, there’s not a more urgent time to develop Awakened Messianic Assemblies worldwide than now.

With this awakening comes very few places to fellowship with likeminded people. This walk can be lonesome especially when you are aware not aware of others in your community who are on the same spiritual journey. The Great Awakening Worship Hubs is a strategic plan for bringing likeminded people together. The Great Awakening believes in the strength of relationships.  We believe that no one should do this spiritual journey alone and that we are better together.  With a strong “mish’pacha” culture and a solid network around the country, awakened people will have the opportunity to build those relationships that are crucial for them personally. Therefore, there’s a high demand for these communities and places to gather. So, your interest could not come at a better time.

GAI Worship Hubs creates opportunities for the people in the awakening all located in a close geography to meet each other through worship, live or streamed teachings, discussion of a topic, personal ministry, and fellowship. It is a time to form a community to support one another in the Awakening Movement. GAI Worship Hubs is a place where people can develop accountable relationships with fellow achyim (brothers) and achayot (sisters) and discipleship relationships. GAI Worship Hubs creates opportunities for fellowship and worship in a safe family environment where learning the scriptures is essential and feedback can be given.

The following information is the beginning of the formal decision-making process regarding the assessment, training, and deploying of liaisons and hub planters and supporters within the Great Awakening Family of Hubs and Assemblies.

Monthly Meetings / Trainings

All liaisons are required to have a monthly online meeting and training session. This online training focuses on basic training for liaisons. Topics include Torah foundations, vision, core values, evangelism strategy, discipleship, and leadership strategy, gathering strategy, stewardship strategy, Hebraic-centered worship strategy, administrative strategy, assembly master design, developing team, and mileposts. Liaisons will develop a plan of action for starting a Worship Hub including mobilizing your team, clarifying your vision, developing your strategy, core group formation, organization issues, equipping leaders, ministry development, and starting assemblies that reproduce.

Training Dates & Information
Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Sunday, August 20, 2023, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Sunday, September 17, 2023, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Sunday, October 15, 2023, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Sunday, November 19, 2023, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Sunday, December 17, 2023, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Hub Milestones and Timeline

Being a liaison of a GAI Worship Hub is exciting work. We also know the number of steps to develop a worship hub becomes overwhelming. Getting incorporated — building your core team — finding your location — spreading news of the launch — What are all the things I have to do? How early do I need to start? What if I forget something! These and more are questions that you may have.

GAI developed a strategy to help worship hubs, liaisons, and ambassadors organize the process to alleviate some of this stress. That’s why we’ve worked to assemble this a Milestone Timeline. It not only lists your to-do’s to launch a new worship hub, it lays it out on a timeline so you know when to start what! Please find attached the Worship Hub Milestone and timeline sheet.

Structure & Roles

The structure of GAI Worship Hubs are:

  1. Council Guardian Representative
  2. Council Team
  3. Ambassador
  4. Liaison
  5. Hub Leadership Team
  6. Mishpacha

(See attached Worship Hub Council Diagram).

Once a worship hub is ready to become an assembly this structure may or may not be adopted by an assembly body. The new GAI affiliate assembly will operate under a new structure developed by the new Lead Moreh, Liaison, and Hub Leadership Team.


Council Guardian Representative Role

The Great Awakening International Community Infrastructure consists of 8 Councils. Each Council is led by a representative leader. The 8 Council leaders make up the Guardian Advisory Group. (See attached Community Infrastructure Diagram). The Guardian Advisory Group advises the Guardians, discuss vision formation, develop strategies, give reports & updates, and to help the Guardians make final pivotal decisions. The Worship Council Representative, Moreh Rick Marlin (& Morah Coletta Marlin), is responsible for the overall direction of the Worship Hubs, Worship Hub Council Team, Ambassadors, and Liaisons. The role of the Council Guardian Representative consists of:

  • meeting once a month with the Guardian Advisory
  • providing the overall leadership and direction for the Worship Hub Council
  • calling monthly meetings with the worship hub council team
  • calling monthly meetings ambassadors & liaisons
  • examining and approving new worship hub applications
  • assigning Ambassadors to Worship Hub Communities
  • helping to identify a Lead Moreh for each hub when one emerges and when the hub is ready to become an assembly.
  • recommends a potential Lead Moreh to GAI’s Training process.
  • assisting Dr. Howard and Morah Tawana in visiting Worship Hubs, at least once a month.


Worship Hub Council Team Role

The Worship Council Team comprises of the Council Guardian Representative and appointed Worship Hub Ambassadors. The Ambassadors comprises of a team of GAI Morim and Morot. The Worship Hub Council Team assists the Council Guardian Representative in providing overall leadership, direction, decision making, and guidance to the Worship Hubs. The role of the Worship Hub Council Team consists of:

  • meeting once a month with the Council Guardian Representative
  • assisting the Council Guardian Representative with the overall leadership and direction for the Worship Hub Council
  • assisting the Council Guardian Representatives in examining and approving new worship hub applications.
  • assisting the Council Guardian in surveying, training, and assigning Ambassadors to Worship Hub Communities
  • assist the Council Guardian Representative in helping to identify a Lead Moreh for each hub when one emerges and when the hub is ready to become an assembly.
  • assist the Council Guardian Representative in recommending a potential Lead Moreh to GAI’s Training process.


Ambassador Role

Great Awakening International wants our liaisons and worship hubs to succeed in helping us build a vibrant awakened community in your area. Therefore, placing a support system around you is crucial. Each Liaison and Worship Hub is assigned an ambassador. In most cases, an ambassador is an installed Moreh from Great Awakening International.

The Ambassadors is a seasoned Moreh who temporarily serves as a representative for Great Awakening International. Responsible for the spiritual direction of the hub by assisting in training, teaching, and providing leadership to the worship hub.

He should:

  • be a GAI Installed Lead or Supporting Moreh
  • possess an effective torah-centered teaching ability.
  • establish and coordinate weekly teaching opportunities for spiritual development.
  • work with the liaison in planning, conducting, and evaluating the progression and operations of the worship hub.
  • work in conjunction with the liaison to help plan and produce general worship hub publicity and promotion materials.
  • be sound in GAI’s doctrine.

Liaison Role

A liaison is the administrative facilitator of an established worship hub group responsible for connecting the hub’s Mishpacha with Great Awakening International’s Mission and Purpose.

He/She is responsible for galvanizing, mobilizing, organizing, and socializing (connecting) area Mishpacha and their families together through social connections, fellowships, corporate worship opportunities, and area missional outreach events. He/She develops social connectivity based on communality, collaboration, doctrinal familiarity, familial likeness, common interest, communal building, and trust engagement factors.

  • Conducts frequent GAI worship hubs meetings.

Personal Life

  • Committed to Yahuah, His Torah, and His son Yahusha
  • Faithful service to Him through GAI Worship Hubs leadership and regular attendance at worship gatherings and meetings.
  • Models a Torah-observant lifestyle before group Mishpacha.
  • A willing partner with all other GAI Worship Hubs liaisons for the sake of sharing the Awakening.
  • Is willing to be accountable to the Vision of Great Awakening International.

Responsibilities to GAI

  • Completes and submits reports to GAI during the Monthly Meeting
  • Prays daily for the GAI Worship Hub’s Mishpacha.
  • Work in solidarity with the Ambassador as he gives spiritual direction to the worship hub.
  • Attends monthly leadership worship hub training meetings.
  • Has regular contact with the Mishpacha of the GAI Worship Hubs.
  • Connects with all new Mishpacha, face to face if possible.
  • Attends annual feast days, retreats, or other leadership events when held.

Spiritual Tasks

  • Mobilize groups to visit and/or pray for other Mishpacha and their families.
  • Bereavement: Encourages group Mishpacha to attend funerals/memorial services related to the group itself as well as other groups.
  • Identifies Mishpacha who needs in-depth counseling and makes proper referral to Great Awakening Interdisciplinary Team.
  • Encourage Mishpacha to get involved GAI National Ministries and Teams.
  • Acknowledge and highlight the celebration of immersion, name changes, and other major life events of GAI Worship Hubs Mishpacha.
  • Reinforces confidentiality of personal sharing in GAI Worship Hubs meetings


  • Identifies areas of outreach in your area, for which the group has been gifted by Yahuah to serve.
  • Seeks to work jointly with other nearby Worship Hubs for service in large outreach projects.

Help Identify a Lead Moreh

  • Work with GAI to identify, train, and install a potential Lead Moreh for the Worship Hub.
  • Work with a potential Lead Moreh for future leadership by making him aware of all aspects of the GAI Worship Hubs.
  • Gradually surrenders the group's administrative leadership to the Lead Moreh.


Local Hub Leadership Team Role

Team of voluntary persons who serve in various leadership capacities to maintain the day-to-day operations and ensure the sustainability of the local hub. The leadership teams develop a depth of knowledge to serve the worship hub communities; review and approve plans, outreach to accomplish hub goals; and help strengthen the plans to realize progress toward the goals.

Hub Mishpacha

Hub Mishpacha are Individuals and Families that worship, fellowship, learn, train, and serve at the local Worship Hub.

Great Awakening worship hubs are always open to anyone who believes Yah is leading them to become a part of our Mishpacha (family)! We don’t do Membership, we do Family (Mish’pacha). Save the membership to gyms and towing services and become a part of our fellowship's Mishpacha. We believe if Yah has called someone to a GAI worship hub or assembly, He has called them to be a part of a family. Family allows us to do more than just sit and hear the messages. Family gets you active, working together with the rest of the assembly of believers. The Hub’s family (Mish’pacha) are individuals who are willing to share their time, talent, gifts, and abilities to help build the local worship hub.

To every family, there is a defined relationship with specific roles and duties. Yah has, in a natural sense, placed every person who cleaves to Israel in an assembly (family) to help with their spiritual growth and development. The Bible teaches that it is Yah’s purpose to set the solitary into families (Psalms 68:6). The Hebrew word for solitary is “Yachid” and it means to “set the lonely in a family”. Yah has done this by providing a spiritual family (whose bond is to be stronger than those we have with lost family members) through fellowship in a worship hub, local assembly OR at national events and feast days.


Special One-On-One Meeting for Liaisons and Worship Hubs

In addition to establishing monthly meetings and training dates, we will be organizing special individual meeting times with the Worship Hubs and their Liaisons. The Worship Hub Council Guardian Representative, Ambassadors and other Liaisons will all be present at this monthly meeting. The Council Guardian Representative and/or your assigned ambassador will be in contact with you soon to establish this meeting.


Next Steps

If you’re ready to begin to work in solidarity with Yah and begin this journey to work with us to start a worship hub in your area, please make sure that you have completed these steps:

  1. please go to our website fill out an interest application (If you have not done so already).
  2. Review the Doctrinal Statements & Beliefs (download the form, sign it, and email it back to us)
  3. Complete our online Doctrinal Survey
  4. Meet with Moreh Rick Marlin, Morah Coletta Marlin, Dr. Kenneth Howard, & Morah Tawana Howard.
  5. Take the Awakening Assessment Test (fill it out and email it back to us)
  6. Take the Spiritual Assessment Test (fill it out and email it back to us)

By doing the above, this lets us know that you are ready to move forward with us. 


You don’t have a Great Awakening Assembly in your area?
Is Yah calling you to start a Strategic Worship Hub in your area?

Great Awakening is offering those who don’t have a like-minded Assembly in their area the opportunity to partner by launching area Strategic Worship Hub in a specific area until a local Moreh emerges or is sent to that area to provide spiritual care and guidance for the Worship Hub.

A "Worship Hub" is a group of people in a particular area that partners with Great Awakening International. The "Worship Hub" may choose to operate as a traditional, hybrid, or live teaching model. While the Worship Hub may select to partner with one of our official affiliated assemblies for live streamed teachings, a leadership team will fulfill all the regular duties until the group becomes a full fledge assembly.


Step 1

Fill out your Strategic Worship Hub Application.

Step 2

Enter into the initial discernment process and interview with Great Awakening Strategic Worship Hub Team.

Step 3

Reach out to potential awakened believers in your area that are awakened and follow our teachings or agree with the Great Awakening International’s mission. (We may assist you in building that list).

Step 4

Attending virtual or on-site training with your team and cultivate the tools needed to build a lead a Worship Hub in your area.

Step 5

Work with Great Awakening International to solidify final details on format, video transmission, fellowship strategies, and the  location.

Step 6

Begin to meet and fellowship together weekly to grow spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.

Step 7

Help grow and build the Strategic Worship Hub group until a Moreh emerges out of the group or one is sent by the Great Awakening International to serve each location will usually have its own unique flavor and feel within the boundaries of the Worship Hub vision and mission.

Worship Hubs Mission Statement

The Mission of Worship Hubs is to develop awakened community groups where Mishpacha of Great Awakening International and individuals seeking truth can be discipled, build relationships, be accountable for their spiritual lives, be nurtured toward spiritual maturity and be active participants together in the journey of the awakening.

Great Awakening International’s Worship Hub is an organic autonomous model for those who are without an Assembly in their area. Communities that engage in this type of approach have a host of questions to answer and decisions to discern before jumping into the numerous options available. Whether you are either considering a worship hub model or currently in one already, we want to help clarify a few of the different options of how to structure your Worship Hub in your area.

What type of worship hub model do you want to implement?


GAI Worship Hub Models

  1. GAI Traditional Model

What is it? A true GAI Traditional Model of Worship Hubs utilizes live stream or pre-recorded teachings to broadcast to the hub. If the Worship Hub chooses not to live stream, pre-recorded messages can be created and played back when you meet. Recording usually happens the week prior to the Shabbat Gathering. The live teaching will be streamed from a specific GAI affiliated Assembly. The affiliated assembly will connect with the traditional model worship hub through video conferencing, i.e., Zoom.

The Traditional Model Worship Hub will choose a specific GAI Affiliated Assembly and become an extended Mishpacha of that Assembly until it’s ready to become an Assembly on its own. The traditional model provides cohesion as a whole, a consistent style of teaching, and familiar people to bond with.

  1. Hybrid Model

What is it? The hybrid model uses teaching across all GAI affiliated Assemblies. However, the worship expression and programing are not identical to any specific assembly; each worship hub can elect to have its own unique flavor and feel within the boundaries of GAI’s vision and mission. Hybrid Worship Hubs models will develop their own Shabbat Gathering format style of worship. This model allows for the Worship Hub Community to have their own group studies or rotate their selection of live-teachings around any GAI affiliated Assembly from week-to-week.

The Hybrid model gives the hub more autonomy to lead, and to develop local teachers while still being supported by and connected to the larger GAI core. When the Worship Hub is not watching a live stream teaching, a Guest Moreh, local Hub Mishpacha, or the liaison will typically teach live lessons throughout the year depending on the nature of the hub.

  1. Live Teaching Model

What is it? The live teaching is moderately decentralized because each hub has its own expression of local, live teaching, but it is still connected to the GAI by mission. Typically, the live teaching is coordinated throughout the worship hubs and taught by a Guest Moreh, one of the Hub Mishpacha, or Worship Hub liaison. The liaison or a GAI appointed team will create the teaching calendar and content.

There is certainly no set right or wrong way to structure your Worship Hub, and there are pros and cons to all the models and variations of each listed above. Which model best fits geographical area?


Worship Hubs Goals

The goals of GAI Worship Hubs are to:

  1. Look Upward – create a fellowship atmosphere that ensures every participant develops a supernatural relationship with Yahuah.
  2. Connect Inward – to encourage every participant to be in continual fellowship and communion with other awakened believers.
  3. Reach Outward – to develop groups that will reach out to the geographical community and draw those that aren’t awakened.
  4. Move Forward - embracing leadership potential... and expand leaders and teachers to be the basic building block and DNA of Great Awakening International. It is within the cell environment that every believer will be equipped, discipled, and prepared to do the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16).


Worship Hubs Objectives


  1. To Edify the Worship Hub by loving Mishpacha and ministering to each other.
  2. To Evangelize …by loving others outside the worship hub and sharing the Torah and Besorah.
  3. To Equip the local Mishpacha for the work of sharing and defending the faith (Discipleship)
  4. To Exercise the gifts of the Ruach HaKodesh … through releasing words of prophecy and exercising other gifts of the Spirit so as to build up cell Mishpacha.


Worship Hubs Scripture

 "How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification." (1 Corinthians 14:26).

The family that you have now become part of is the Assembly of Yahuah. The Assembly is not a building but a community of people that congregate in buildings and homes. One of the functions of the Assembly is to gather likeminded awakened believers in geographical areas around the world called Worship. (Acts 2:46-47)

GAI Worship Hubs Suggested Group Format

GAI Worship Hubs is a time for the people in the awakening all located in a close geography to meet each other through worship, live or streamed teachings, discussion of a topic, personal ministry, and fellowship. It is a time to form a community to support one another in the Awakening Movement. GAI Worship Hubs is a place where people can develop accountable relationships with fellow achim (brothers) and achayot (sisters) and discipleship relationships. GAI Worship Hubs opportunities for fellowship and worship in a safe family environment where learning the scriptures is essential and feedback can be given.

GAI Worship Hubs should meet for no less than two hours each week rather it be virtually or in-person.  Worship Hubs should endeavor to follow the suggested order.

Each meeting usually lasts about two hours, split across four elements:

  • Welcome: gathering the group together and helping it to gel.
  • Worship: recognizing that Yahuah is with us - an encounter with Yahuah.
  • Word: we learn together, using Yahuah's Word, but this a different style from a traditional Bible study
  • Witness: a practical section which follows on from the rest of the meeting.


  • Greetings and announcements (5 minutes) with accurate details and vision for the events announced.
  • Creative question or "icebreaker" (15 minutes). Draw people out so they will feel comfortable sharing their hearts.
  • Refreshments (10 minutes). Allow people to chat and get comfortable with one another.


  • Worship (15 minutes). Provide song sheets for those who might not be familiar with the songs. Be wary of a "super-religious" environment that people will not bring friends to. Select organic songs or utilize CDs, Bluetooth devices, or stream music if you do not currently have people who can lead worship with instruments. Live music is better when a musically gifted worship leader is present. As an alternative, guided imagery meditation can also be utilized.
  • Prayer Time (15 minutes). Share and pray for personal needs and for unawakened family, friends, and co-workers to be awakened. Be open to give thanks when the Ruach HaKodesh meets needs. Ministering to one another in prayer is a special part of this community time.


  • Discussion (generally not longer than 30 minutes). Discuss the topic presented by Dr. Howard, Moreh of a GAI affiliated assembly, or local guest speaker. Get everybody thinking and involved. Emphasis is upon the practical application or "doing" of Yahuah's Word. Share a brief review (5 minutes maximum) of Moreh's message if most of the people were not in attendance. Have discussion questions prepared. If the leaders are vulnerable, the Mishpacha will be also. (Option: Break into several discussion groups with each leader facilitating one.) The goals of discussion are to get everybody thinking about how to apply Yahuah's Word to their lives.


  • Life Application (10 minutes). Discuss how the discussion applies to your life every day.
  • Share the Mission (5 minutes). This is the time to answer the question: How do the Mishpacha of our GAI Worship Hubs live out their life together in the world? Each group has a way of sharing the awakening with their friends, family, and strangers. Some possible mission works are: Community outreaches, etc.
  • Closing Prayer (5 minutes). Forms a circle or hold hands and have closing prayer.

 GAI Worship Hubs Grou Values

GAI Worship Hubs values embrace and reinforce a key set of values which can underlie the whole foundations of Great Awakening. At Great Awakening, we have defined them as A to E:

  • All Involved: we have an every Mishpacha setting. Every Mishpacha takes part, and every Mishpacha gifts are used.
  • Becoming Disciples: radically applying and adapting Yahuah's Word (Torah) in our lives.
  • Creating Community: not just attending meetings but sharing lives and building relationships.
  • Doing Evangelism: share the awakening with others as opposed to just talking about it!
  • Encountering Yahuah: expecting a release of his presence and power among his people.

GAI Worship Hub Liaison Responsibilities



  1. Completes and submits reports to GAI
  2. Prays daily for the GAI Worship Hubs Mishpacha.
  3. Attends monthly leadership worship hub training meetings.
  4. Has regular contact with the Mishpacha of the GAI Worship Hubs.
  5. Connects with all new GAI Worship Hubs Mishpacha, in their homes if possible.
  6. Attends annual feast days, retreats, or other events for leaders when held.


  1. Help identify a potential Lead Moreh.
  2. Work with a potential Lead Moreh for future leadership by him aware of all aspects of the GAI Worship Hubs ministry.
  3. Gradually surrenders the group's leadership to the Lead Moreh.



  1. Mobilize groups to visit and/or pray for other Mishpacha and their families.
  2. Bereavement: Encourages group Mishpacha to attend funerals/memorial services related to the group itself as well as other groups.
  3. Identifies group Mishpacha who need in-depth counseling and makes proper referral to Great Awakening Interdisciplinary Team.
  4. Encourage Mishpacha to get involved GAI National Ministries and Teams.
  5. Acknowledge and highlight the celebration of immersion, name changes, and other major life events of GAI Worship Hubs Mishpacha.
  6. Reinforces confidentiality of personal sharing in GAI Worship Hubs meetings


  1. Identifies areas of outreach in your area, for which the group has been gifted by Yahuah to serve.
  2. Seeks to work jointly with other nearby Worship Hubs for service in large outreach projects.


  1. Committed to Yahuah, His Torah, and His son Yahusha and faithful service to Him through GAI Worship Hubs leadership and regular attendance at worship gathering.
  2. Models a Torah-observant lifestyle before group Mishpacha. (Acts 2:42, 46)
  3. A willing partner with all other GAI Worship Hubs liaisons for the sake of sharing the Awakening.
  4. Is willing to be accountable to the Vision of Great Awakening International.


GAI Worship Hub Liaison Fundamentals


Every meeting should strive to include:

  1. Warm Welcomes
  2. Genuine Love
  3. Worship
  4. Word - Learning
  5. Witness - Mission
  6. Keep meetings to 1½ to a maximum of 3 hrs.

Meet physically each week when possible.

  1. Serving meals is key when gathering. Have the Mishpacha to rotate bringing food items.
  2. Make it possible for every person to participate comfortably.
  3. Provides an atmosphere of ownership in the group.

Be training leaders at each meeting.

  1. Training is a process of learning to lead.
    1. Show them. (Let them watch you do it)
    2. Do it with them,
    3. Watch them do it
  2. Give them increasing responsibilities in leading
  3. Additional training will be available by the GAI during the year.

Be actively recruiting new Mishpacha.

  1. Multiplication is the key to growth.
  2. Having available social Mishpacha is the key to successful multiplication.
  3. Have a "Get acquainted" gathering once every 4 to 6 weeks.
  4. Invite other awakened persons outside the Worship Hub family.
  5. Keep the GAI calendar in mind when planning group special events.
  6. Work with GAI in planning events

Leaders’ meetings and reports.

  1. You're a part of GAI’s team and your attendance and input are important.
  2. Your meeting reports are vital. Make certain GAI is receiving them.
  3. Make sure GAI knows the time and place of your meetings as far in advance as possible. This allows for GAI to direct new people to your meetings and worship gatherings.
  4. Dr. Howard and/or a GAI representative will plan to visit your gatherings at least 4 times a year or other times as you may request.

GAI Worship Hubs Commitment

  • We will seek to follow Yahuah's Law in our daily living as we relate to the Mishpacha of the GAI Worship Hubs and all others. We will seek to love Yahuah with all our hearts, minds, strength, and soul. We will also seek to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40).
  • We are faithfully committed to attending the GAI Worship Hubs meetings and feast days and events of our larger GAI community (Hebrews 10:24-25).
  • We come together on common ground, without rank, position, or special status (Ephesians 2:8-9; James 2:1-9).
  • We will seek to love one another as Ha Mashiach loves us (Ephesians 4:15,29; 5:4; James 3:1-2).
  • In Ha Mashiach’s spirit of humility, we will honor and respect each other. We will be willing to set aside our own rights in order to build up the Body of Believers (Romans 12:10, Philippians 2:3-4; James 4:10).
  • We will exercise spiritual gifts within the guidelines of Scripture so that the Body is edified and unified (I Corinthians 12:7,13:1-13,14:1-12; I John 4:1-3).
  • We will faithfully pray for GAI Worship Hubs Mishpacha and others during the week, seeking to know what in each situation Yahuah wants to address .... And seek to be Yahuah's voice of compassion (Ephesians 6:18).
  • We will be accountable to one another for our conduct, witness, spiritual growth, and ministries (Galatians 6:1-4; James 5:16; Ezekiel 3:20-22; Matthew 18:15-18).
  • We will do our utmost to promote fellowship and unity (Ephesians 4:1-3, 12; Colossians 3:12-13; Romans 12:18).
  • We will maintain confidentiality within and between our GAI Worship Hubs Mishpacha (Proverbs 11:13; Proverbs 25:9a-10).

GAI Worship Hubs Strategy





Communicate the vision and values of a Worship Hub

Great Awakening International will send the liaison a list of names of people in the area that are awakened and follows the GAI teachings. Liaisons and the core group will reach out to individuals in that area to share with them the vision of the Worship Hub and values for developing this Hebraic community.


Initiate a prayer thrust

Unless Yahuah builds the house those who build it labor in vain. The liaison and leaders should spend significant time in prayer for the changes and they in turn must motivate the whole Worship Hub to pray.


Develop the Curriculum/Structure

GAI is in the process of developing a curriculum and structure for GAI Worship Hubs Liaison and Leaders to use during their group settings. The structure will be developed around the 4 W’s. The Welcome, Worship, Word, and Witness.


Circulate Survey

Develop and circulate a survey after Shabbat Gatherings to gather the groups interests and vision for the Worship Hub


Identify & Meet with Leadership and Pillars of the Worship Hub

Begin the process of identifying key leaders and pillars of the Worship Hub and meet with them. During the meeting discuss the importance of developing a Torah-Centered environment in our Worship Hub and share with them the surveys from the Worship Hub.


Train the Worship Hub Leadership into Torah life.

Leaders, Mishpacah, and the main influencers in the Worship Hub need to be trained into the Torah way of life. We will start a cell with them. The only way they are going to catch the values will be to experience them. The training would include (a) retreats (b) missions, (c) reading books, (d) prayer (e) sharing teachings and material received from Dr. Howard.


Begin a prototype group

Begin a prototype group with the leaders, staff and key influencers of the Worship Hub. This will be practical on the job training and exposure to the GAI vision, mission, and teachings. This will take place until they fully grasped the vision and values and are enthusiastic about operating as a Worship Hub.


General Body Meeting

This will be a General Body meeting for the entire Worship Hub. During this meeting a representative of GAI, the liaison, and the trained leaders will share the plans of integrating fellowship opportunities into the Worship Hub , how this will benefit our Worship Hub , results from the surveys and strategy of implementation. This meeting also will serve as an opportunity to answer any questions or concerns the Mishpacha may have concerning the Worship Hub.


Send Letters to Mishpacha and Missing in Action Mishpacha

Work with GAI to send a letter that will include information about the new Worship Hub in the area, the formation of the fellowship, the benefits of Worship Hubs and an invite to the Worship Hubs Kickoff Gathering/Rally.


Worship Hubs Kickoff Service/Rally

Dr. Howard or a key GAI representative will fly into your area for the Rally. This Rally will be festive and celebratory. It will include music, worship, food and a brief motivational message on the vision of the Worship Hub and group strategies. This is to get the Worship Hub excited about developing a community.



Each liaison will be responsible for making sure that the GAI receives reports on the growth and development of the Worship Hub. The report will include meeting time, place, attendance, breakthroughs, glitches, and comments. This will allow GAI to be still connected with each Worship Hub around the world and to help them grow as a community.


Identify & Train a Lead Moreh

GAI Worship Hubs will help GAI identify a potential Lead Moreh and GAI will train them to become the Lead Moreh.


Meet with GAI Worship Hubs Liaisons and Potential Lead Morim once a month

Each GAI Worship Hubs liaison will meet with me once a month to share concerns, progresses etc. GAI will also be sharing new developments and findings of Worship Hub techniques. This will also be a time of impartation and encouragement to liaisons and potential lead Morim.


Ready to become an official Assembly of GAI

Once a potential Lead Moreh is identified for the hub and the group is steady and stable, GAI will begin the process of training. GAI will take the Worship Hub through the process of becoming an official Assembly.


The following application is the beginning of the formal decision-making process regarding the assessment, training and deploying of Strategic Worship Hub in your regional area. 

We handle this prayerfully and are very careful in our screening process of potential satellite liasons. We believe it is in the best interest of the your regional area, the Great Awakening and Yah’s Kingdom to be discerning about whether having a satellite center and eventually an assembly is the best fit for the applicant. We also believe that it is our role to use every opportunity to raise up more effective center groups, assemblies, and morehs in the awakening movement. 

Basic Information
Additional Info

I have read, understand and will work in harmony with the Great Awakening. I understand that completion of this application is a first step, and does not necessarily guarantee that a supported Strategic Worship Hub will be the end result, but that the desire is to come to a conclusion that will best serve the purposes of both your geographical area and the Great Awakening International, and ultimately and Yahuah’s Kingdom. Thank you for your application.


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