Credential Cards
The Great Awakening International’s Hebraic Credential Card is essential for Zekenim and Morim. This card works as another method for you to physically verify and recognize your Moreh/Minister status with the Great Awakening International. You can carry and present your status on the go with this official card. Many institutions require you to have your credential ID with you when performing public ceremonies, visiting hospitals, visiting prisons, and conducting religious duties that require credentials.
This mini credential can be used for verification of your Hebraic ministerial status. These cards are custom made with your name and installation date. The card is printed with a QR Code. This QR Code will allow individuals to check and verify your status with the Great Awakening International.
Details: High quality durable plastic, dual sided, credit card size; 3.75 x 2.25 with your signature, a QR Code to verify your identity, date of issuance, expiration date, and credential status.
Please email me over a quality up-to-date picture that you want featured your credential card. Credential Cards will be mailed to you. Please email me the address that you would like for your card to be sent to. Please send all information to greatawakening400@gmail.com