
Process & Training

MO-REH is a male teacher מורה
MO-RIM are male teachers
E’MA is an elder, ancient woman, old one
EMA’OT are elders, ancient women, old ones
ZA-QEN is an elder, ancient man, old one
ZE-KENIM are elders, ancient men, old ones
MO-RAH is a female teacher מורה
MO-ROT are female teachers

Why Training?

The typical Bible/Torah study does not go deep enough for some leaders and institutional studies may be inconvenient to attend, over-professionalized, over-intellectualized, and expensive for others. Therefore, there is a tremendous need for Hebraic communities to develop training programs to assist teachers and leaders in Israel with genuine callings so that they can be equipped for the assignments in the context of in which they have been called.

Any successful plan to get in shape includes exercise. If you want to get fit, you get a gym membership and go at it. Exercising on your own can produce results, but enlisting the help of a personal trainer will significantly increase your success. The results are better; the impact is greater. Anyone serious about achieving their fitness goals will optimize training for maximum effectiveness.

Utilization of training is vital, yet Hebrew communities often fail to prioritize proper equipping of morim and morot and launch unqualified persons to teach and lead assemblies. Likewise, many aspiring assembly planters see training  as more hassle than helpful. They believe that with enough social media access, talent, and hustle, they don’t need training. And a culture (yes, even Israel’s culture) that foolishly elevates charisma over qualifications feeds this deeply flawed narrative.

“The task of the GAI is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”

Training is critical to fill teachers in Israel with the necessary foundations for effective ministry.

Bringing the Awakening message to the lost sheep is serious business. Planting assemblies to make disciples of communities and nations requires more than a magnetic personality and an impressive social media presence. As teachers in Israel, our mission demands no less than a fierce commitment to vigorous training. We want to plant awakened assemblies led by leaders thoroughly equipped to send them into their communities to declare and display Yahuah’s glory.

Potential leaders from around the world come to us with their passions and wanting to join the Great Awakening as an affiliate Assembly Planter or a Moreh/Morah. Consequently, each year we are faced with more opportunities than we have time or resources. Without a clear vetting process for quality leaders, we can easily be vulnerable to compromised character and poor reputation. Sexual harassment allegations, domestic violence assaults, infidelity, and immodesty, have all come too close for comfort within the ranks of the Great Awakening leadership.

We have developed a new vetting process that is thorough and stringent. This new process will ensure that we have complete transparency throughout the Great Awakening. These checks are reserved for all leaders in the Great Awakening International. Additionally, the Great Awakening will be using a specialist vetting service to check the history of current and future potential leaders, ensuring that their clean records can be noted down.

The New Vetting Process includes the following steps:

  1. Currently serving in a local assembly and recommended by a GA Lead Moreh
  2. Spend time in prayer
  3. Consult with Spouse, Family and Assembly
  4. Receive the Letter of Interest
  5. Fill out Online Form
  6. Review and Sign Statement of Beliefs
  7. Complete our online Doctrinal Survey
  8. Meet with Dr. Howard, Morah Tawana Howard and Ron Dalton Jr.
  9. Take the Awakening Assessment Test
  10. Take the Spiritual Gift Assessment Test
  11. Meet with Zaqen Council
  12. Criminal Background Check
  13. Ministry Background Check
  14. Sign the Covenant Agreement
  15. Sign Code of Conduct Clause
  16. Sign Confidentiality Statement / NDA
  17. Individual Interviews with Training Team
  18. Interview with Candidate & Spouse
  19. Interview with Spouse Only
  20. Receive Letter to begin training
  21. Begin 8 weeks of training
  22. Must Complete (or previously completed) at least two (2) Hebrew Academy International courses
  23. Weekly Check-ins
  24. 2nd Interview/Vetting Process
  25. Moreh/Morah Retreat
  26. Installation/Consecration Program

Great Awakening Training Team consists of leaders who are devoted to the awakening of the dispersed of Israel. The training team focuses on training for Morehs, Morahs and Assembly Planters within the Great Awakening Family. Training sessions include Torah foundations, vision, core values, evangelism strategy, discipleship and leadership strategy, gathering strategy, stewardship strategy, Hebraic-centered worship strategy, administrative strategy, assembly master design, developing team, and mileposts. Morehs will develop a plan of action for planting or supporting a Great Awakening assembly including mobilizing teams, clarifying vision, developing strategies, core group formation, organization issues, equipping leaders, ministry development, and starting assemblies that reproduce.

World-class training from leaders who are devoted to the awakening of the diasporians of Israel. The Great Awakening comprehensive training consists of an 8 week online basic training, along with a 7-day Intensive where you’ll have hands-on, face-to-face time with the Great Awakening team, other morehs/pastors who have already planted, as well as other assembly planters that are on this journey with you.

This 8 week training focuses on basic training for morehs who want to plant a Hebraic assembly. Topics include Torah foundations, vision, core values, evangelism strategy, discipleship and leadership strategy, gathering strategy, stewardship strategy, Hebraic-centered worship strategy, administrative strategy, assembly master design, developing team, and mileposts. Morehs will develop a plan of action for planting a Great Awakening assembly including mobilizing your team, clarifying your vision, developing your strategy, core group formation, organization issues, equipping leaders, ministry development, and starting assemblies that reproduce.


8 Week Training includes:

  • 1 Week Intensive Face-to-Face Training and Fellowship
  • Leadership Development and Training
  • Personality/Character Test Assessments
  • Spiritual Gift Assessments
  • How to Start, Sustain and Strive as an Assembly
  • How to build a Leadership Team
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Avoiding the Pitfall of Unintentional Syncretism
  • Recruiting a Launch Team
  • Contextualization and the Gospel
  • End Time Preparations
  • Who’s Who in the Scriptures
  • Hebrew Apologetics: How to Defend the Hebrew Faith
  • How to Share the Truth (Great News) in your City
  • Financial Strategies and Documents for Assemblies
  • By-Laws and Torah-based Constitution for Great Awakening Assemblies
  • Feast Days
  • Doctrinal Beliefs
  • Sacerdotal Training (Ketubah Marriages, Funerals, Dedications)
  • Pastoral Counseling Training
Schedule and Topics

8 Week Training plus 1 Week Intensive Face-to-Face Training

Week 1 

  • The Great Hebrew Awakening Family
  • What is the The Awakening?
  • The Need to Plant Awakened Hebraic Messianic, Torah-Based and Spirit-Filled Assemblies 
  • Role and Expectations of an Assembly Moreh


  • Hebrew Doctrine/Sound Doctrine
  • Contextualization and the Gospel
  • The Laws and Commandments
  • The Sabbath
  • Feast Days
  • The Sacred Name


  • Leadership Development and Training
  • Torah-Based Personality/Character Test Assessments A
  • Spiritual Gift Assessment A
  • Mental Health Assessment A
  • Spouses and Family Preparedness A

Day 4 of Intensive

  • Hebrews to Negroes Training #4
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Launch Strategies
  • Facility Needs: Providing the facility needed for the new assembly
  • Financial Strategies and Documents for Assemblies


  • Antiochian-Model Assemblies 
  • Hebrew Structure Assemblies 
  • Ruach-Filled Assemblies 


  • Scripture Analysis and Interpretation
  • Hebrew Homiletics (Teaching)


  • Hebrew Apologetics: How to Defend the Hebrew Faith
  • How to Share the Truth (Great News) in your City


  • Avoiding the Pitfall & Unintentional Syncretism in the Awakening and in Assembly Life

WEEK 9 (1 Week Intensive Face-to-Face Training and Fellowship)

Day 1 of Intensive

  • Arrival 
  • Welcome
  • Assembly Plant Checklist
  • Hebrews to Negroes #1

Day 2 of Intensive

  • Hebrews to Negroes #2
  • End Time Preparations
  • Who’s Who in the Scriptures
  • Assembly Needs Assessment  

Day 3 of Intensive

  • Hebrews to Negroes Training #3
  • Torah-Based Personality/Character Test Assessments B
  • Spiritual Gift Assessment B
  • Mental Health Assessment B
  • Spouses and Family Preparedness B

Day 4 of Intensive

  • Hebrews to Negroes Training #4
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Launch Strategies
  • Financial Strategies and Documents for Assemblies

Day 5 of Intensive

  • Hebrews to Negroes Training #5
  • Sacerdotal Training (Ketubah Marriages, Funerals, Dedications)
  • Moreh Counseling Training

Day 6 of Intensive

  • Legal Matters of an Assembly 
  • By-Laws and Torah-based Constitution for Great Awakening Assemblies
  • Covenant Agreement
  • Fellowship and Bonding with other Morehs

Day 7 of Intensive

  • All Morehs will spend 4 hours in Prayer 
  • Fellowship and Bonding
  • Departure 

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