Antioch-Model Assemblies


The Great Awakening Assemblies uses the Antioch Assembly model as seen in the Brit Hadasha (New Testament) for in the assemblies around the country. The Assembly in Jerusalem was the first Assembly governed by the Apostles, the Ruach HaKodesh’s (Holy Spirit) emphasis shifts to the Assembly at Antioch. From Antioch the ministries of Barnabas and Paul and later Silas and later Silas and Paul were released. The Antioch Assembly became a spiritual hub to release apostolic teams that affected nations.

From Antioch Yah initiated apostolic endeavors that resulted in the planting of strategic Assemblies. The Assemblies of Corinth, Philippi, Colossi, Ephesus and Thessalonica were all formed as a result of the outreach from the Assembly at Antioch.

The Assembly at Antioch represents a governing territorial apostolic Assembly. It represents an Assembly that has a burden for nations and is focused on fulfilling the Great commission.

The characteristic of this Assembly gives it the unique ability to be a strategic Assembly in the plan of Yah. When a local Assembly has these characteristics, it will impact the regions and territories to which it has been given jurisdiction.

Models are important because they give us a pattern in which to build. We must be careful to build according to Biblical patterns and not the traditions of men. Hebraic Apostolic Assemblies are prototype Assemblies. They are models that reflect the blueprints and pattern that Yah is releasing from heaven. Each generation needs models that will be an impact to that generation. These Assemblies are built by revelation. Apostles are wise builders (1Cor. 3:10). They build according to revelation and are not dependent upon man made patterns that many build by.

“It takes apostolic wisdom to plant and raise up a Hebraic Assembly that resembles Antioch in its nature, structure, ongoing lifestyle and ministry”. There are twelve characteristics of the Antioch Assembly. These twelve characteristics when present in the Great Awakening will cause our Assemblies to impact its generation and awaken the dispersed of Israel. These are constants that we need to have in every generation. Some things change over time but constants remain the same.

  1. Breakthrough Believers

Now they which are scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, and Cyprus, and Antioch preaching the word to none but unto the Jews only, And some of them were come to Antioch, spoke unto the Grecians, preaching Yahuah Yahusha. (Acts 11:19-20).

The Assembly at Antioch was initiated by believers who had been scattered from Jerusalem. When they came to Antioch, they responded to the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit)s directions and began ministering to the Grecians. Up to this point the Gospel had been preached primarily to the Hebrews. By preaching to the Grecians, these believers crossed a cultural barrier and saw great success. This is why we refer to them as breakthrough believers.

Breakthrough is defined as an act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction. It is a major success that permits further progress, as in technology. With each breakthrough provision is made for further progress. Breakthrough benefits the entire body of Mashiyach (Christ) and makes room for advancement.

This is the foundation of the Assembly at Antioch. Assemblies that have breakthrough believers will have a foundation to breakthrough and penetrate into various regions. The limitations of culture and religion are broken. These are believers that respond to the leading of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) without fear. They obey the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) even if it means initiating something new. These are pioneer believers.

  1. Evangelism

As the believers responded to the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) to minister to the Grecians, they broke through into a new evangelistic endeavor. There emphasis was on expanding the Kingdom of Yah through evangelism.

Antioch Assemblies have a foundation of evangelism. The spirit of evangelism is strong is these Assemblies. I call this Breakthrough Evangelism. This is the spiritual ability to penetrate into areas and reach new people groups.

The Great Commission cannot be fulfilled without evangelism. Although the great commission is an apostolic commission, evangelism is an integral part of fulfilling it.

  1. Apostolic Input

Then tidings of these things came unto the ears of the Assembly which was in Jerusalem; and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch (Acts 11:22).

Antioch Assemblies are those that are willing to receive APOSTOLIC INPUT. Immediately after the founding of this Assembly, the Assembly at Jerusalem sent Barnabas. Barnabas was an encourager who came to exhort the new Assembly. The sending of Barnabas by the Jerusalem Assembly represents apostolic input.


  1. Grace (Spiritual Gifts)

Who, when he came and had seen the grace of Yah, was glad and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto Yahuah (Acts 11:23).

Antioch Assemblies are Assemblies of grace. Grace is an identifiable mark of these Assemblies. Barnabas noticed the grace that was in this Assembly. Grace is the favor of Yah. There are blessings that come with this favor. When Yahs favor is upon an Assembly, it will grow and be a blessing to many.

Assemblies with grace will come behind in no gift. (1Cor.1:7). These Assemblies have an abundance of spiritual gifts. This includes the gifts of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), as well as ministry gifts. Gifted Assemblies have a calling and a commission to bless people. This grace is not given without reason. Grace is Yahs favor given to be a blessing. Cities, regions and nations can be touched by the grace that is upon an Assembly.


  1. Team Ministry

Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul: And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the Assembly, and taught much people, And the disciples were called Hebraic Believers first in Antioch. (Acts 11:25-26).

After Barnabas came to Antioch and saw the grace that was upon this Assembly, he went to Tarsus to get Paul. Barnabas knew the grace that was upon Paul’s life and encouraged him to come to Antioch. Barnabas and Paul assembled themselves with the Assembly at Antioch and ministered as a team. Thus they established the team concept at Antioch.

Barnabas and Paul would later be released as a team from Antioch. Apostolic ministry is team ministry. A team of apostles, prophets and teachers will have a tremendous impact upon the spiritual condition of the Great Awakening.


  1. Teaching

Antioch Assemblies are teaching centers. Barnabas and Saul taught together as a team for an entire year at Antioch. Antioch believers were instructed and taught in the Word of Yah. Without a strong TORAH base Assemblies will not be strong enough to breakthrough. The Word of Yah gives the basis for all we do.

Antioch believers are people of knowledge. They are not ignorant of the Torah and Brit Hadasha. They have been taught and receive the instruction on a continual basis. The Assembly at Antioch was strengthened through the teaching ministry.

Teachers are respected and received in an Antioch Assembly. The Moreh is also a governmental gift. It is mentioned third in (1 Cor.12:28). There is an authority to instruct and impart knowledge to the saints. This authority and grace must be respected in the Assembly and place must be given for the teacher to minister. The teaching ministry was one of the distinctive marks of the Antioch Assembly. They ministered along with the prophets (Acts 13:1).


  1. Benevolence (Giving)

And there stood up one of them Agabus, and signified by the Spirit that there should be a great dearth throughout the world; which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar. Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judea: Which they did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul (Acts 11:28-30).

The Assembly at Antioch received prophetic ministry. They honored the ministry gift of the prophet and received the word delivered by Agabus. He foretold of a coming famine in Judea. The Assembly at Antioch was a benevolent Assembly. They were a giving Assembly that shared and distributed their resources with the Assemblies of Judea. Apostolic distribution is another characteristic of an Antioch Assembly.

There is an apostolic mandate to bless the poor. This is seen in Paul’s ministry of receiving offerings for the poor saints of Jerusalem. Apostolic Assemblies should touch poor nations and minister to the needy.

  1. Prophetic Ministry

And in those days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch. Now there were in the Assembly that was in Antioch certain prophets and teachers (Acts 11:27; 13:1).

Antioch Assemblies respect and receive prophetic ministry. The prophetic and teaching anointing were dominant gifts in the Antioch Assembly.

There were a group of prophets and teachers ministering together in the Assembly at Antioch. Prophetic ministry strengthens and confirms the believer. It brings revelation and refreshing to the Assembly.

This unique combination of prophets and teachers provided an atmosphere for the release of apostolic teams. They both release the word of Yahuah. When the word of Yahuah is strong in a local Assembly, it will create an atmosphere for the release of the plans and purposes of Yah.

  1. Plurality of Leadership (Presbytery)

Now there were in the Assembly that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manean which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul (Acts 13:1).

Notice the leadership combination at Antioch. The team at Antioch was unique. They had professionals, dignitaries and strong ministry gifts in their leadership teams.

Barnabas had been a Levitical priest where as Saul was highly educated in the ways of Judaism. Manaen was brought up in the courts of Herod the tetrarch. Simeon was called Niger which means black.

  1. Ministering to Yahuah

As they ministered to Yahuah and fasted (Acts 13:2).

The Antioch Assembly is characterized by ministry to Yahuah. There is a spirit of worship in these Assemblies. Worship releases the spirit of prophecy (Rev.19:10). It provides an atmosphere to hear the voice of Yah. As they fasted they developed sensitivity to the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). Fasting is the Biblical way of humbling oneself (Psalm 35). As we humble ourselves we receive grace.

This Assembly continued through fasting and ministering to Yahuah. Apostolic grace was released. This was a sending grace. They were able to hear the voice of Yah and release two of their most notable ministers for apostolic ministry.

Fasting and prayer has always been a way to minister to Yahuah. Anna ministered to Yahuah in this way for many years (Luke 2:36-38). Her ministry was a part of bringing in the Messiah.


  1. Prayer and Fasting

And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away (Acts13:3).

Prayer is the power source of the apostolic. Prayer releases the apostolic anointing. Prayer causes Yah to “send forth” laborers into the harvest. The apostles gave themselves to prayer and the ministry of the word (Acts 13:3).

Antioch Assemblies pray without ceasing (1Thess5:17). They are strong in corporate prayer (Acts 4:31). They labor in prayer (Col.4:12). They pray with the spirit and with the understanding (Cor.14:15). Fasting is also part of apostolic ministry (2Cor.11:27). Fasting is an act of humility. It is a declaration in the spirit that we are entirely dependent upon Yah. Sent ones are dependent upon the sender. Their power and authority come from the sender.

  1. Sending Assembly (releasing)

And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away (Acts 13:3).

The prophets and teachers at Antioch responded to the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) and send out an apostolic team consisting of Barnabas and Pail. The Antioch Assembly is a sending Assembly.

Apostolic people and Assemblies revolve around the concept of sending and being sent. Antioch became an apostolic mission base for developing and releasing apostolic teams. The Biblical pattern of planting and building Assemblies is through apostolic teams.

Apostolic teams give the local Assembly the ability to reach out beyond their region into other regions and nations. Assemblies are then able to impact other regions and territories. When Assemblies are planted nations are impacted.



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