

(What we endeavor to Become?)


  1. Leadership
  2. Micro Communities
  3. Macro Communities
  4. National Ministries & Forums
  5. Academies
  6. World Missions
  7. Feast Days & Events

The Great Awakening International’s 7-point strategy vision (1. Leadership, 2. Micro Communities, 3. Macro Communities, 4. National Ministries & Forums, 5. Academies, 6. World Missions, 7. Feast Days & Events) is designed to awaken and gather the 12 Tribes of Israel and those who cleave to its instructions, commandments, and culture given by Yahuah. We facilitate a dynamic, ongoing relationships by a desire to embrace the values, traditions and teachings of Torah, and the Messiah through the lens of the Hebrew Awakening Movement. Through weekly worship, appointed feast gatherings, celebrations, lifelong learning, communal living, and service to others, we seek to inspire set-apart living, nurture spiritual growth, promote social justice to the vulnerable, deepen our experiences and enrich the life of the Mishpacha (family) of Great Awakening International. Our vision is to make every effort to be bound together by covenant and strive to be a community that reflects the moral, values, ethics, and instructions of Torah. Our 7-Point Vision is demonstrated by:

  1. Identifying, training, and releasing strong multi-generational Leadership Teams with a common set of Torah-centered values, unwavering commitment, and passion to help fulfill the shared-vision of Great Awakening International. This Leadership represents as a kaleidoscope of Councils, Teams, Ministry Leaders, and Committees whose caring, competent, and capable of bringing order, oversight, and opportunities to the people and vision of GAI. GAI is committed to engaging and nurturing the best possible leadership to serve our community.
  2. Launching and Connecting Micro Communities such as local Assemblies, Worship Hubs, and Aleph Tav Collegiate Ministries that augments spiritual growth, academic and spiritual learning community settings, genuine fellowship and worship opportunities while establishing local gatherings in cities and rural areas that provides a viable set-apart alternative to the systems of the modern compromising religious constructs.
  3. Building Macro Communities such as Regional Centers, Sanctuaries, and Hebraic Off-Grid Communities throughout the world to facilitate points of connections, galvanizing our resources, to distance ourselves from grid dependency, live together in true community, and support each other as means to survive in the end times.
  4. Establishing cross-cultural, cross-generational, and cross-geographical National Ministries and Forums to impact the communities, regions, and nations, where those who are a part of GAI’s fellowship. Our National Ministries and Forums create settings where all segments of our population can build relationships across geographical lines, create generational and ministry-specific accountability cohorts, be nurtured toward spiritual maturity, have thoughtful interchange about strategies for overcoming obstacles and impediments, and be active participants together in communal capacity. These Ministries and Forums includes: Beriyt Marriage Ministry, ObeYah National Youth Ministry, National Singles Ministry, International Music Ministry, Weeping Daughters of Rachel Prayer Ministry, Interdisciplinary Ministry, Moreh Wives Ministry, National Men's Ministry, National Outdoor Besorah Ministry, Arukah Ha'Shem Ministry, Crowned Descendants National Children's Ministry, Moreh Roundtable, Voices of Zaqen, HeBros, Morah Roundtable, My Awakening Experience, 119 & Torah, AYO ObeYah Roundtable, and Water Throwers
  5. Establishing Academies such as Hebrew Academy International and Ancient Set Apart Torah Scholars K-12designed to provide innovative formal Hebraic education in the subject areas of language, heritage, culture, cosmology, apologetics, and Hebrew studies in a hybrid (online and traditional format) that educates those who are in search of the ancient path. 
  6. Developing World Missions strategies that will launch evangelical and humanitarian relief teams from the Great Awakening International who will travel to domestic and international geographies to provide humanitarian assistance, food, medical care, health education, biblical heritage, and interdisciplinary care to those in need while sharing the Besorah with the dispersed.
  7. Creating settings across the world for set-apart people to participate in Holy Feasts Days & Events (Passover, Unleavened, First Fruits, Shavuot, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot, World Tour, and Conferences) for the purposes of observing sacred times when we are to gather to remember, to rest, and to worship. The foundational texts of these sacred times are scattered throughout the Pentateuch, but they are systematized in Leviticus 23 and Exodus 23. Numbers 28 and 29, in turn, standardize the holy convocations, rituals to be observed, and the offerings to be presented on these feast days.

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